The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 383 Collecting 37 Cities 4

Chapter 383 Collecting 37 Cities 4
You Jingshui Shenyu is very powerful, you have the foresight, first prepare the new city lord and all other matters in advance, then he will kill all these preparations, even if the city lord's mansion can be destroyed, there will be no suitable replacement for a while, the common people They are in a mess|chaos, which is enough to cause a headache.

"Yes!" Everyone took the order and immediately went to execute it.

The blue-robed venerable sitting on the high seat, according to the news sent back by Han Bingling, became more and more annoyed as he thought about it, and in the end he couldn't even sit down, so he couldn't help standing up and pacing back and forth.

"Honorable One." The city lord of Hanfeng City called the blue-robed Venerable.

The blue-robed venerable did not immediately respond to the words of the city lord of Hanfeng City, but continued to pace back and forth on the spot. For some reason, inexplicably, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

"My lord, please don't worry too much. Even though Yi Feng is powerful, there is only one person. The reason why the first ten cities were thrown away so easily is because I didn't expect it. Next, I have prepared, I will definitely not let Yi Feng kill the people in the City Lord's Mansion so easily." Hanfeng City City Lord said slowly.

In his opinion, Yi Feng is only one person, no matter how powerful he is, there will always be times when he gets tired, and it is impossible to maintain the peak strength all the time.

When the blue-robed lord heard about the city lord of Hanfeng City, doubts flashed across his face, and he said to the city lord of Hanfeng City: "Alone? Didn't you hear that the one with Yi Feng and the one from Jingshui Shenyu Your Majesty, these are obviously two people."

After finishing speaking, the blue-robed venerable could not help but show an imperceptible disdain on his face.

You can hear wrong like this, how bad is this hearing power?
The city lord of Hanfeng City drew a smile, and said to the blue-robed venerable, "Honorable lord, don't you think, how high is the queen of Jingshui God Realm?"

The blue-robed venerable snorted coldly: "I understand what you mean, but, have you ever thought that there are only two people who can come with Yi Feng, if the queen's strength is really as you mean, just An idiot, do you think that the king of Jingshui Divine Realm would let these two come out with such peace of mind?"

Really mindless stuff.

He also didn't believe that a woman could have such high strength, but he even more didn't believe that the king of Mirror Water God Realm would let a queen who was powerless face so many dangers with a confidant, If you are not careful, you may die!

Therefore, he is even more willing to believe that this queen must also be a person with strong strength.

The city lord of Hanfeng City stopped talking.

The orders of the blue-robed venerable did play a certain role. This was discovered when Mu Nuo and Yi Feng went to the city lords' mansions of various cities, and when they were looking for the new city lords that Yi Feng had arranged before.

"It seems that they are finally aware of it." Yi Feng looked at Mu Nuo and killed his life with a cruel hand, with a smile on his face, he said calmly.

Mu Nuo's expression didn't change when he heard the words, and he didn't reply to Yi Feng's words.

They were so obvious that they didn't do anything to cover up. If the people behind the force hadn't discovered something, then they couldn't have done so much.

It is undeniable that they still have a little strength.

 Ask for a reward, ask for a five-star praise (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

(End of this chapter)

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