The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 401 An accident in the general's mansion 2

Chapter 401 An accident in the general's mansion 2
Mu Nuo succinctly and succinctly told Yu Chi Kyung everything that happened that day at the Jade Immortal Sect, as well as Rong Mo'er's desire to become Yi Qing's wife and concubine.

"Rare." After hearing what Mu Nuo said, Yu Chikyung only had these two words.

It is rare for Yi Qing to be seriously injured.

After Yi Qing was seriously injured, he was rescued by a strange woman, which is rare.

It is even more rare that this woman can still fall in love with Yi Qing.

"What do you think? Will you help them both?" Mu Nuo asked curiously.

"This is their own business. The person you mentioned, even if she wants to marry, it depends on whether Yun Qing wants to marry. If the two of them really fall in love with each other, I won't Oppose." Yu Chikyung made it clear.

The three of them, Yiqing, Yifeng, and Yunan, followed him to fight the world. Although these three people were his subordinates and confidantes on the surface, deep down in Yuchikyung's heart, the three of them were with him. Brothers don't make much difference.

If Yi Qing and Rong Mo'er really love each other and want to get married, then he will naturally agree.

Seeing that Mu Nuo was still thinking about Yi Qing and Rong Mo'er, Yu Chikyung quickly said to Mu Nuo: "Even if both of them are interested, it probably will be a long time later."

"Why do you say it's a long time later?"

"With Yunqing's temperament, it's impossible to get things done in the near future. What's more, even if he wants to get engaged, he still needs to finish my work first." Yu Chikyung said confidently.

Mu Nuo couldn't immediately understand what Yu Chikyung meant.

If someone is going to get married, can't you give marriage leave and have to finish the work you arranged first?The wedding date should also be decided according to the workload?

Seeing the disapproval on Mu Nuo's face, Yu Chikyung moved two points closer to Mu Nuo, hugged Mu Nuo in his arms again, and said to Mu Nuo: "I have already decided, after half a month, it will be a time when everything is right." On a good day, we will get engaged at that time, and after we get engaged, as soon as the time limit of half a year is reached, we will pick a good day and get married immediately."

It is also the rule of Jingshui Shenyu. Before getting married, a person of high position and authority not only needs to get engaged, but also needs to spend half a year together after getting engaged. After half a year, both men and women feel that the other party is suitable to spend the rest of their lives with them. , the formal wedding will be held, and the relationship between the two will be truly determined.

This can also be regarded as a more humane treatment in blind marriage and dumb marriage.

"Engagement?" Suddenly hearing these two words spit out from Yu Chikyung's mouth again, Mu Nuo was not a little shocked.

Yu Chikyung nodded, his expression sank, and the strength of the arms holding Mu Nuo couldn't help but increased by two points, and he said to Mu Nuo: "Originally, when you went to Molin, I had already asked people to get engaged. The thing is, I didn't expect that you would be gone for so long, and there was no news."

Hearing this, Mu Nuo almost immediately refuted to Yu Chikyung that she actually replied to Yuchikyung's letter, but the letter was not delivered because of an accident at Mingqing Pharmacy.

"Okay, I promise to get engaged." Mu Nuo agreed without saying anything more.

Even falling in love and getting married is not a matter of course, there is nothing to be ashamed of, and there is no need to pretend to be reserved.

When Yu Chikyung got Mu Nuo's promise, he was naturally overjoyed.

 Ask for a reward, ask for a five-star praise (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

(End of this chapter)

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