The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 403 An accident in the general's mansion 4

Chapter 403 An accident in the general's mansion 4
However, looking at the golden color and fragrant chicken in front of him, Mu Nuo's beautiful pair couldn't help but wrinkled.

Can she not eat?

Since the first meal she came back, she casually said "this chicken" is good, so every next meal, there must be chicken.

It can be regarded as the kitchen's hard work, changing the method every time, trying not to repeat the method as much as possible, but no matter how different it looks or how different the method is, it is still chicken after all.

What's more, it should be afternoon tea time, who would treat afternoon tea as a meal? !
"I...have eaten three meals today, and I really can't take it anymore." Mu Nuo said with a bitter face.

God, who can drag this crazy guy away? !
Even if it is fed to pigs, it is not like this!

"When I asked the kitchen to cook, I specially added Jinmihua. Jinmihua can be of great help in helping people absorb spiritual power." Yu Chikyong persuaded Mu Nuo.

Mu Nuo: "..."

If she remembers correctly this golden flower, the annual output of the entire Jingshui Divine Region is estimated to be tens of grams, and even a small amount of powder can attract people to scramble for it.

Mu Nuo's eyes slowly moved to the plate of chicken, and the golden flower beside the chicken, which could almost be eaten as a dish, twitched the corners of his mouth slightly.

How many years will it take for this amount of Jinmihua?
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty." Just as Yu Chikyung was persuading Mu Nuo to eat the chicken, Yi Feng hurriedly appeared in front of Yuchikyung, and even skipped the step of reporting.

Seeing Yi Feng who suddenly appeared and disturbed their time, Yu Chikyung's mood was not much better, his face suddenly became gloomy, and he looked at Yi Feng coldly, "You better have something very necessary."

Compared with Yu Chijing, Mu Nuo was very happy for Yi Feng's arrival, and finally he could temporarily put the chicken aside.

However, at this time, Yi Feng was anxious and serious, not at all the foolishness of the past, and said to Yu Chikyo, "Your Majesty, a few days ago, my subordinates sent someone to pick up the general's family. At that time, it was discovered that the general’s family had been kidnapped.”

Because of his anxiety, Yi Feng spoke extremely fast, but Mu Nuo and Yu Chikyung could hear them clearly, and the expression on Mu Nuo's face suddenly changed: "Speak clearly."

Yu Chikyung also looked straight at Yi Feng, waiting for Yi Feng's reply.

"When the subordinates rushed to the General's Mansion, it seemed that the General's Mansion had been ransacked by thieves, and it was in chaos. There were still many corpses of guards on the ground, but the family of the General's Mansion had disappeared." Yi Feng replied truthfully.

Then, without waiting for Mu Nuo to ask questions, Yi Feng immediately said: "This subordinate has already sent someone to look for the trace of the General's family, but the other party has hidden it very well, so far, there is no trace of the General's residence. "

Hearing this, Mu Nuo frowned, and said to Yu Chikyung, "I want to go back to the General's Mansion first."

The General's Mansion is the first place that really gives Mu Nuo warmth. She cherishes the family warmth in the General's Mansion very much.

"Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible." As soon as Mu Nuo finished speaking, Yi Feng immediately spoke out to dissuade her.

"Why?" Mu Nuo asked puzzled.

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(End of this chapter)

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