Chapter 409 Rescue 4
"No?" Mu Nuo repeated in a murmur, then closed his eyes and searched for the situation on this side with mental power, but the result was the same as in the western suburbs, nothing was found.

This kind of nothing, almost made Mu Nuo wonder if there was something wrong with his mental power?
Obviously the branches have guided them here, and obviously Ouyang Qingmu should be here, why can't anyone find her?
"Master, the vegetation in the southwest corner of the manor is not normal. Someone should have set up a formation there." Shehua's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

Mu Nuo's expression changed when he heard the words, and he almost blurted out.

"Southwest corner."

However, just as Mu Nuo spoke, Yu Chikyung also pointed out something wrong.

It is exactly the southwest corner of the manor.

The two people looked at each other in unison, and the next moment, where were the figures of these two people at the same place, and the next moment, the figures of Mu Nuo and Yu Chikyung had already appeared in the southwest corner.

As soon as I came to the southwest corner, the branches and leaves of the branches suddenly seemed to have received sufficient nutrients, and many leaves grew again in an instant, but the vitality did not last long, and the leaves just sprouted. The next moment, the branches withered rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"President Ouyang has an accident." Mu Nuo's expression changed suddenly.

Mu Nuo is very clear about the principle of the branch that leads the way. He relies on the strength of its owner. The closer the branch is to the owner, the more vigorous it will be. On the contrary, if something happens to the owner of the branch, Losing all the strength, the branches will wither in a very short time.

All formations, as long as Mu Nuo perceives them, will no longer have any power, but, obviously, this formation is stronger than all the formations Mu Nuo has seen.

And Mu Nuo's judgment on whether the formation is strong or not is whether it is easy to be torn apart.

It took a full quarter of an hour before Mu Nuo tore a hole in the formation.

However, as everyone knows, in Mu Nuo's view, a formation that is difficult to tear apart may not necessarily be able to be destroyed by a lifetime of hard work for others.

At the place where the opening was torn, a strong light from both eyes escaped from it, the light was so bright that even Mu Nuo and Yu Chikyung couldn't help subconsciously raising their hands to block the light.

After a while, after the light disappeared, Mu Nuo and Yu Chikyung quickly entered the formation.

However, after entering the formation, both of them were able to find surprise from the other's expression.

After entering the formation, what came into view was a field. On the blue sky, there were a few white clouds floating, and the sunlight fell on the field, reflecting a piece of golden light.

The farmers in the field are working hard. Although they are sweating profusely, there is a satisfied smile on their faces. The wife is beside the field, virtuously helping her husband prepare tea, and the child is happy like a bird, chatting nearby The little friends chased after each other, and the husband looked up at his wife and children from time to time, with a happy smile oozing from the corner of his mouth.

After the husband had a rest, the wife immediately served tea with a moderate temperature, and thoughtfully helped her husband wipe off the sweat from his head.

On the other side of the field, another wife walked slowly with her newborn child in her arms. When she came to the field where her husband was, she said softly to her husband, "Sir, the food is ready and you can eat."

(End of this chapter)

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