The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 427 Preparing for Engagement 1

Chapter 427 Preparing for Engagement 1
Compared with the venerable in yellow, the venerable in green, whose eyes have lost all focus and whose mouth is still drooling, is the correct presentation form after the soul search is over.

"What's going on here?" Yu Chikyung couldn't hide his surprise when he saw the appearance of the Venerable in Yellow Clothes. At the same time, a faint fiery red light lingered on his hand again, ready to attack the Venerable in Yellow Clothes who was in an abnormal situation at any time. , it seems that the Venerable in Yellow can be sent to the underworld in the next moment.

"I did this on purpose." Mu Nuo said to Yu Chikyung before Yuchikyung was about to take action against the Venerable Yellow Clothes.

Yu Chikyung: "?"

It was done on purpose, so what is going on?
How come he has never seen someone who can look like a normal person after soul searching.

"We know too little about the Yinzong's situation, and the results of the soul search alone are not enough. Now, this person looks the same as usual on the surface. In fact, except for me One hundred percent loyal, nothing will change." Mu Nuo explained to Yu Chikyung with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

In short, she used a strong method to forcibly change the loyalty of the venerable in yellow clothes, making the venerable in yellow clothes her spy in Yinzong, and reported the situation of Yinzong to them at any time.

After explaining to Yu Chikyung, Mu Nuo went to the side of the green-clothed venerable and treated the green-clothed venerable in the same way.

Two people also allow them to help each other.

After the expression of the green-clothed venerable returned to normal, he knelt down to Mu Nuoqiqi together with the yellow-clothed venerable, and called out in unison: "See the master!"

The consistency of actions is more respectful and polite than when meeting the suzerain of Yinzong.

"How to explain to your suzerain, you think about it yourself, I want to get as much information about the hidden sect as possible." Mu Nuo looked coldly at the two venerables who were kneeling in front of him, who were very arrogant not long ago, coldly voice commanded.

"Yes." The venerable in yellow and the venerable in green responded in unison. The next moment, they took up their sharp swords and bows and arrows, and hit themselves hard. The two people who had already been injured could no longer even keep kneeling, and blood flowed out from their bodies. It didn't take long for them to become blood men.

But even so, the two still didn't seem to know the pain in their bodies, as long as Mu Nuo didn't agree with them to leave, they would keep struggling and kneeling.

Even Mu Yiqing, who was used to seeing big scenes, couldn't stop being surprised when he saw what happened in front of him. Naturally, while being surprised, he couldn't help being relieved.

He still remembers clearly what the yellow-clothed and green-clothed venerables did when they brought them here.

It's just that he also knows the soul searching method, which can cause great harm to the human body, and it can be regarded as a forbidden method.

However, because soul searching can really bring some people the most real information they want to obtain, soul searching has been repeatedly prohibited.

The so-called forbidden technique is nothing more than a title.

Mu Yiqing didn't know what Mu Nuo wanted to do, he only knew that this time, they were the ones who got Mu Nuo involved.

At the same time, he also knows that no matter how powerful the soul is for a while, it will still have a certain impact on himself. He is worried now that Mu Nuo, who spent so much spiritual energy just now to save them, is still alive now. Can it last?
(End of this chapter)

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