Chapter 434
Early in the morning, the palace servants had already delivered the prepared phoenix robes to Mu Nuo's palace. In fact, Mu Nuo's palace, where Yu Chikyung's palace was located, had been since Mu Nuo came to the Jingshui God Realm. The two never slept in separate rooms.

The palace man who sent the phoenix robe took a few deep breaths before entering Mu Nuo's bedroom, feeling very uneasy.

"Mommy, you are already an old man in the palace, and you are so well prepared this time, what else do you need to worry about?" Outside the bedroom, a little maid asked the palace man standing in front road.

Mammy sighed lightly: "You don't understand this."

The engagement ceremony this time almost broke all the rules of the past so many years, and the king's love for the queen has also surpassed all records in such history.

At that time, the king only left one sentence, that they must do the best, but they didn't know how to do it best.

Best, then where should the speed and the bottom line be?

Not to mention preparations, she was a little overwhelmed by the current matter.

There has never been a precedent for a king and queen living together in the same palace. Even if the king loves the queen, the most he can do is spend more time in the queen's palace. How can there be a king and queen living in the same palace?
That's fine, it's the night before the engagement, according to the usual practice, the queen should stay at her natal home and wait for the palace's welcoming team to greet her, and they, as maids in service, will go to the queen at an earlier time After grooming, but, now, now!

For them to have a king standing next to them while helping the queen to dress up, the pressure on them is really too great, and it is said that the queen is also a master of extremely high cultivation.

If they accidentally do something wrong, will they be kicked out directly?
No, no, being expelled is still light. If these two people are upset, with the strength of the king and queen, they can be sent to hell with just a little finger.

How can you relax in this situation?At this moment, Mammy felt like her heart was about to jump out.

"Come in." When Mammy was terrified, the words "waiting" finally came from the bedroom.

The nanny took a deep breath, and said to the group of little maids behind her: "Stay safe for me later, and make no mistakes. If something happens, even I can't save you."

"Yes." The maids responded respectfully.

After finishing this sentence, several court ladies entered the bedroom one after another.

Mu Nuo, who just woke up, heard the insignificant footsteps of the maids, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Listening to the sound of footsteps, how many maids have come in here?

"What's wrong?" Yu Chikyung supported his head with his arms, and couldn't hide his happy smile on his face.

As long as this day passes, Mu Nuo will have his exclusive seal engraved on his body.

Although it takes half a year between the engagement ceremony and the big wedding, there is a situation that can greatly shorten the time between them, that is, before the big wedding, the queen is pregnant with the king's flesh and blood, so , You can get married directly.

If you can conceive a child in such a short period of time, to a certain extent, it can also show that the relationship between the king and the queen is very good. Since the relationship is good and the child is already there, then the six months The assessment period can naturally end early.

(End of this chapter)

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