Chapter 445 Strange Aura 3
"Hmph, such a stupid woman is really not suitable to be the queen of Jingshui God Realm. She clearly knows that Aijia's spiritual power is corrosive, but she still wants to use the power of wood in vain. It's so stupid...

You, what did you do to Aijia? "Before the Queen Mother finished speaking, the disdain on her face turned into panic in an instant.

Logically speaking, if Wood's power is against her spiritual power, there is no chance of winning at all, but what is going on now.

She felt that the power of wood full of strong vitality was lingering around her. That feeling should have been very comfortable, but after she forcibly added impure dark power, this extremely rich wood power The power of the wood brought her very strong discomfort.

"Mutual generation and mutual restraint are not absolute, don't you know such a simple truth?" Mu Nuo looked at the Queen Mother coldly, and spoke at a leisurely pace, but every word was full of ridicule towards the Queen Mother.

Generally speaking, it is good for the power of darkness to restrain the power of wood, but once the power of wood is stronger than the power of darkness, then it will be reversed and become the power of wood to restrain the power of darkness.

While the power of wood surrounded the Queen Mother, it seemed that a steady stream of power of wood was also being conveyed to the barrier below, and the power of wood with vitality was transmitted to the people through Yiqing's barrier, and the power of wood When the power descended on the people, it not only helped the people heal all the skin wounds caused by the empress dowager's gray-yellow spiritual power just now, but also healed the impure dark things in the people's bodies without the people noticing it. The power to clear them all out.

The people didn't know, and Mu Nuo didn't intend to tell the people that their bodies had been eroded by impure dark forces.

Just because, if you want to get rid of the impure dark power from the people's body, unless the power of wood has reached a very strong state, otherwise, it is impossible to do it. Obviously, the wood of Yi Mu Nuo's current state The power of power cannot help the people drive out the power of darkness in their bodies.

And the only thing that can be used is the pure dark power in Mu Nuo's body.

In the enchantment built by Yi Qing, when she incorporated a large amount of wood power, she also added a trace of dark power, otherwise, it would be difficult to resist the gray-yellow spiritual power of the Queen Mother.

However, it is clear that the common people still cannot accept the existence of the power of darkness.

"Be careful!" An urgent voice suddenly came from Mu Nuo's side, and as the voice came, a powerful force came from Mu Nuo's side, pulling Mu Nuo into an embrace.

Mu Nuo subconsciously almost slapped the person who forced her to come, but after feeling the familiar breath, Mu Nuo immediately took back the slap.

As soon as the person arrived in Yuchikyung's arms, a sharp palm was slapped out from Yuchikyung.

"Mirror Water God Realm, so many years have passed, I never thought it would still be so domineering." A cold sarcastic voice came from the front.

"Yinzong." Yu Chikyong looked coldly at the coming person who was gradually becoming clear, and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth.

Yinzong people are very discerning, and they all like to wear a black cloak. Naturally, this is according to the records in ancient books, but I didn't expect that it has been so many years, and Yinzong's dressing style seems to be different. What has changed, it is still so unsightly!

(End of this chapter)

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