Chapter 448 Self Explosion 2
She could clearly feel the expansion of energy emanating from the man.

Mu Nuo also guessed Yu Chikyung's approach almost immediately.

This fool!

Even though he was wearing the bead string she gave him, if he wanted to rely on this string of beads to resist all the energy generated by the man's self-explosion, he would be dead!

Does this idiot even know what he's doing? !

In terms of speed, with Mu Nuo's current position and strength, he can't keep up with Captain Chi Kyung, but fortunately, the man is still bound by her vines.

The strength in Mu Nuo's hand suddenly increased, and the vines that bound the man completely wrapped the man in the period at an extremely fast speed, and the vines continued to bind him continuously.

Due to time constraints, Mu Nuo had already neglected to separate the power of darkness from the power of wood, and directly mixed a small part of the power of darkness to make the vines grow rapidly.

It's long, but in fact, the time is not even half a breath. Although the vines are getting bigger and bigger, but only Mu Nuo and the man who is bound inside the vines know that the vines are getting tighter and tighter. .

Finally, like a balloon that could no longer withstand the force from the outside world, it exploded with a bang.

With the huge explosion, a sweet smell rushed straight to Mu Nuo's throat, but the short time made Mu Nuo not even allowed to vomit blood.

He directly swallowed back the sweet fishy taste that gushed up in his throat, and because he was backlashed by the huge energy, his hands trembled, and he propped up the barrier again, wishing to drain all the strength in his body.

However, Mu Nuo did not allow the presence to arouse the suspicion of the people present, and in order to heal the injuries suffered by the common people, Mu Nuo mobilized a large amount of pure wood power from his body. It's hard to load when all the energy is there.

Just now, because Mu Nuo suddenly blessed the vines with a lot of spiritual power, the energy was so powerful that Yuchi Kyung did not dare to intervene at will, and took advantage of that time to get rid of all the remaining Yinzong people.

It's just that Mu Nuo's originally vigorous wood power weakened rapidly with the man's self-destruction, and looking at Mu Nuo's pale face, Yu Chikyo knew that Mu Nuo couldn't hold on any longer. .

Without thinking about it, Yu Chikyung directly mobilized his spiritual power, and the dark green vine halo that had already begun to appear in Mu Nuo was firmly surrounded by it.

At the same time, Yu Chikyung quickly said to Mu Nuomiyin: "You let go!"

His spiritual power has successfully wrapped the man and Mu Nuo's spiritual power halo in it. Even if Mu Nuo withdraws his spiritual power at this time, there will still be his enchantment as support, and he will never let the man blew himself up. The power generated can hurt anyone.

However, Mu Nuo didn't seem to have heard Yu Chikyung's words, even though her stunning little face was so pale that it lost any blood color, and she clenched her teeth, the spiritual power in her hand didn't weaken a bit, on the contrary, it seemed to be still It has the meaning of seeing death as home with that man.

Looking at the determination on Mu Nuo's face, seeing the stubbornness on Mu Nuo's face, insisting on not withdrawing his spiritual power, Yu Chikyung was already burning with anxiety.

"Mumu, be obedient!" Yu Chikyung's eyes almost burst into flames, but at the same time, he was full of worry.

(End of this chapter)

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