Chapter 454 Calculated 4
In the next moment, a clear and crisp sound of broken porcelain resounded in the hall, and in the next moment, where the sound came from, where there were traces of the previous porcelain, it had already turned into a pile of fine powder and scattered with the wind.

"Your Majesty, your behavior... will affect the Queen's rest. The Queen will hope that you believe in her, and she will definitely wake up safe and sound. Thinking about it, when the Queen wakes up, she will not want to see the Queen in a slumped state. "Yu An tried to persuade.

It took a long time after Jun'an's words fell to the ground, and Yu Chikyung slowly stood up, but, he just took the towel from the side, and carefully wiped the slightest dust on Mu Nuo's face.

Looking at Yu Chikyung's actions, Jun An couldn't help but feel puzzled, and tried to ask Yuchikyung: "Your Majesty...?"

"Have someone send all the memorials to the side hall." Yu Chikyung said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Yi An simply responded.

Ming Qing Pharmacy...

"Your situation is not very good." Dongfang Qianling said with a gloomy face after removing his hand from Ouyang Qingmu's wrist.

"What happened to Xiao Nuo?" Ouyang Qingmu did not directly respond to Dongfang Ganling's words, but asked Dongfang Ganling concerned.

Dongfang Ganling picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea calmly, and then said slowly: "Don't worry, Xiao Nuo's situation is much better than yours."

Although Mu Nuo can't wake up now, as long as he drinks the medicine, Mu Nuo's injuries can be cured. The main reason why Mu Nuo can't wake up is that his spiritual power is too exhausted. Deep sleep is not only recovering spiritual power, but also cultivating. When Mu Nuo wakes up, Mu Nuo's strength may be improved to a higher level.

"That's good." Ouyang Qingmu lowered his eyebrows slightly and his voice was low.

Hearing the three words of Ouyang Qingmu, Dongfang Qianling frowned slightly: "You should return to the academy quickly, you are not suitable to stay here any longer, the Holy Heaven Altar in Jingshui God Realm has too much influence on you, if you continue to stay Going on, it's just a trivial matter if you go back in your cultivation base, but the consequences are serious. You should know that this national teacher of the Mirror Water God Realm is not so foolish and unreliable as he seems on the surface. Once he finds you in your body..."

"I know." Before Dongfang Ganling finished speaking, Ouyang Qingmu interrupted Dongfang Ganling's words, and at the same time, the pain on his face intensified a bit.

"I originally just wanted to watch Xiao Nuo leave after her engagement ended..."

It's just that no one thought that such a trouble would appear in the end of such a well-prepared engagement ceremony.

"What about now?" Dongfang Qianling asked Ouyang Qingmu, "Now, Xiao Nuo's engagement ceremony is over."

"No, it's not over. Everyone knows it. Besides, Xiao Nuo is unconscious now. How can I return to Shuigan Realm with peace of mind." Ouyang Qingmu couldn't help but aggravate his tone.

Dongfang Ganling showed disapproval: "But your situation is very special, and after the Yinzong people came to make a big fuss, the light power of the Holy Heaven Altar is obviously much stronger."

"I'm just worried. You should know that to me, Xiao Nuo is not just a simple friendship." Ouyang Qingmu said to Dongfang Ganling.

For so many years, he has never been able to find a child who loves pharmacy as much as Mu Nuo and is also so talented. While communicating with Mu Nuo, he also wishes to give Mu Nuo all the knowledge he has learned in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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