Chapter 460 Candor 5
In other words, for Yu Chikyung, Xuanhuang could barely accept him as the husband of his master, but the people behind him...

Even though Mu Nuo had woken up once, Yu Chikyung was very aware of Mu Nuo's weakness. In other words, as long as Mu Nuo's body hadn't recovered for a day, he couldn't fall asleep peacefully.

People who lack sleep directly lead to abnormal irascibility.

Yu Chikyung is a typical example.

He already didn't have enough sleep, but when he saw the memorial presented in his hand, his eyes were red and his face was covered with dark clouds. He looked as if he wanted to kill someone at any time.

"What a bunch of ungrateful people!" The thin memorial, just like that, was ruthlessly thrown to the ground by Yuchikyung.

However, before the memorial even fell to the ground, it had already turned into a pile of ashes in the mid-air, and a breeze blew into the hall, directly blowing away the pile of ashes.

"Your Majesty calm down." Feeling the huge anger emanating from Yu Chikyung, all the ministers knelt down in panic and begged Yuchikyung to calm down, and the ministers were so frightened that they dared not even take a breath.

Yi Feng and the other three who were at the very front, while kneeling, also had a faint anger in their hearts.

In the past few days, there has been a rumor circulating in the market, a rumor about Mu Nuo.

When the king and the queen were offering sacrifices to the heavens, accidents happened, and they knew that this was not God's disapproval of the queen, so there was such a farce.

The queen was not recognized by the heavens, and was punished by the heavens, so that she is still unconscious.

Then it is enough to show that the queen is not qualified to be the queen of the Jingshui God Realm. The king should abolish the queen and re-establish someone else for the sake of millions of people and to respect the will of heaven!
This rumor was like a prairie fire, but in just a few days, it had already spread to several cities near the capital.

And the rumors became more and more outrageous, and gradually, Mu Nuo was even rumored to be some kind of demon and ghost that is not tolerated by the world.

At this time, the common people have completely forgotten that Mu Nuo's current coma is because he exhausted his spiritual power in order to protect Baixin from the impure dark power mixed with the Queen Mother. Cause the spiritual sea to dry up.

The common people have even forgotten that their family members who returned safely not long ago have forgotten the 37 city that was lost and recovered.

Nowadays, the hearts of the people are full of only one thought, because Mu Nuo could not get the approval of the heavens, so the original scene appeared.

"Please appease the king, I will definitely find out who is behind the rumors as soon as possible." The prime minister clasped his fists and said to Yu Chikyung.

"He's from Yinzong." As soon as the prime minister finished speaking, Jun'an's voice came out without haste.

Just before coming to the main hall, the people he sent out had already found out the person behind it.

What happened at the Shengtian Altar, Yinzong had already calculated it early in the morning.

The empress dowager's obstruction is the first wave, and the group of people following the empress dowager is the second wave. Finally, if the previous two plans can't shake Mu Nuo's position and can't hurt Yu Chikyung, then, next, start The third plan is to create rumors by taking advantage of the importance that the people of Jingshui Shenyu place on offering sacrifices to heaven.

Yuchikyung is eager to protect his wife, in order to keep the position of Mr. Mu Nuo, he will do everything possible. When Yuchikyung is devastated by this, it is the best time for them to make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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