Chapter 465 Big Gamble 5
From the first time she came into contact with the power of darkness, and everything that happened in Molin for more than half a year, including the existence of the four monsters in her body, Mu Nuo explained everything to Yu Chikyung one by one.

This was Mu Nuo's big gamble. She revealed all her trump cards to the one she loved. As for what kind of situation she would face next, she didn't know.

Whether from now on, two people will face this world that rejects the power of darkness together, or from now on, she will fight against the whole world alone, she doesn't know, and she is not even sure which of these two possibilities will happen The probability of it is higher, and she doesn't know anything about it.

She knew that if she won this gamble, then she would win the whole world, but if she lost, then she would also lose everything. The whole world and everyone would become her enemies.

In Wei Yuntian, or in Shuigan Realm, no one has ever tolerated the existence of dark power.

"Mu Mu, before, you told me that you wanted me to believe in you, so please also believe in me and my feelings for you, okay?" Instead of answering Mu Nuo's question directly, Yu Chikyung chose to Mu Nuo gently embraced her in his arms.

He never cared what Mu Nuo practiced, and it didn't matter which side Mu Nuo belonged to, as long as Mu Nuo was Mu Nuo, that was enough.

Mu Nuo, who thought he was calm enough, heard Yu Chikyung's words and felt the warmth from Yuchikyung's body. For a moment, Mu Nuo was almost moved to tears.

"You really don't care?" Mu Nuo nestled in Yu Chikyung's arms and asked in a muffled voice.

Yu Chikyung pushed hard, and in the next moment, Mu Nuo, who was still leaning in Yuchikyung's arms, was already lying on the bed in a blink of an eye, and Yuchikyung was right above Mu Nuo.

Yu Chikyung's heavy breath hit Mu Nuo's cheeks, making Mu Nuo's fair little face begin to blush slightly.

"Do you want me to prove it to you with actions?" Yu Chikyung said with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

There is a little anger on the surface, and there is a lot of spring, but the heart feels a little more distressed for Mu Nuo.

Mu Nuo armed himself like a hedgehog, practiced desperately, and worked hard to improve his cultivation. Mu Nuo's actions can be described as self-improvement, or a lack of security, a manifestation of distrust of the surrounding personnel.

It is precisely because of the lack of security and distrust of the people around me that I practice so hard, because only when I become the strongest one, I don’t have to be afraid that others will bully me, and I don’t need to rely on others the power of.

"I haven't fully recovered yet." Hearing the meaning of Yu Chikyung's words, Mu Nuo said to Yuchikyung with a few flashes of light in his eyes.

Seeing Mu Nuo's appearance, Yu Chikyung almost thought he was dazzled.

Is the person in front of him who knows how to show weakness and pretend to be pitiful really the Mu Nuo he is familiar with?Could it be that when was it dropped?
However, Mu Nuo is willing to show this side to him, which also shows that this time, he really walked into the depths of Mu Nuo's heart.

He swore that he would firmly occupy all the places in Mu Nuo's heart, leaving no room for others.

Yu Chikyung pretended to sigh helplessly, and then, a hint of cunning flashed across his eyes: "That can only wait until the next time, but next time, it will charge interest."

(End of this chapter)

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