The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 467 Abnormal Poison 2

Chapter 467 Abnormal Poison 2
Now, the darkness has disappeared from this world, and the black crystal space has been merged by Mu Nuo and the green crystal space. Mo Lin's dark breath will only become thinner and thinner. After three to five hundred years, Mo Lin will It becomes not much different from the general forest.

Forget it, she is his master. Since she has made a decision and the facts cannot be changed, all he has to do and can do is to do his best to protect her safety.

Yu Chikyung, who left from the bedroom, did not return to the imperial study, nor did he return to the main meeting hall, but went directly to the National Teacher's Mansion.

One rare time, when Yu Chikyung came to the National Teacher's Mansion, the gate of the National Teacher's Mansion was wide open. When the servants of the National Teacher's Mansion saw Yu Chikyung's arrival, they immediately bowed respectfully to Yuchikyung, and then greeted Yuchikyung Said: "Master Guoshi has been waiting for you for many days."

"En." Yu Chikyung only responded with a single tone.

That's right, such a big event happened at the Holy Heaven Altar that day, how could Tian Ye, as the national teacher, not know about it?
"I originally thought you would come to me that day, but you actually delayed finding me until today. Could it be that my sense of existence is so weak?" Tian Ye sighed when he saw Yu Chikyung's figure from afar. He said in one breath, the volume was not loud, but he was sure that Yu Chikyung would be able to hear it.

"Mumu just woke up yesterday." Yu Chikyung gave a concise but very powerful explanation.

If Mu Nuo didn't wake up for a day, how could he leave safely?
"You don't need to explain, it's not the first day I know your temperament of valuing sex and despising friends." As soon as Yu Chijing finished speaking, Tian Ye immediately said, and then, he stopped playing around with Yu Chijing, but asked straight to the point: "Tell me, how do you think I can help your little queen get through this?"

"Rectify her name." Yu Chikyung was not at all surprised that Tian Ye could guess what his purpose for coming here was.

Tian Ye is far from being as foolish and serious as he looks.

"You can do this by yourself, so why do you have to come to me? Besides, why are you so sure that I will help her to rectify her name? Don't forget, the first time you brought her to look for her When I was with you, I already told you clearly that I don't approve of the two of you being together, she is not suitable for you." Tian Ye said very sincerely.

At the same time, with doubts, judging from Yu Chikyung's familiarity with him, it is impossible for him to help someone he has denied before.

"Because she is the person I believe, but you are you." Yu Chikyung gave a very strange answer.

However, it was precisely because of this answer that a knowing smile appeared on Tianye's face, and he patted Yuchikyung's shoulder forcefully: "Sure enough, I understand me, that's fine, let this matter be on my mind, originally , that is, a little mess caused by Yinzong."

After receiving Tianye's reply, Yuchikyung breathed a sigh of relief.

Tian Ye was not serious in front of him, but the status of Tian Ye, the national teacher, in the hearts of the people was ridiculously high.

In the hearts of the people, the national teacher is an envoy sent from heaven to convey the will of heaven to them.

As long as Tian Ye came forward to rectify Mu Nuo's name, recognize Mu Nuo's status, and recognize Mu Nuo's identity, then they would present the results of the investigation about Yinzong, and all the rumors about Mu Nuo would disappear.

(End of this chapter)

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