The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 474: Tian Ye Makes a Move 1

Chapter 474: Tian Ye Makes a Move 1
Come to think of it, one percent of a person doesn't know if there is such a little poison that will destroy [-] percent of his spiritual power. If he wants to help all the poisoned people to detoxify, wouldn't he have to squeeze Mu Nuo dry? ?

Not to mention the tens of thousands of people who were poisoned, even if there were only one or two, Yi Mu Nuo's newly recovered physical condition would be difficult to bear.

The thoughts of the people behind the scenes are clearly revealed.

Whether to save the people or not, the choice now is in their hands, but if they want to save the people, then they have to sacrifice Mu Nuo, and if they want to keep Mu Nuo, then it is difficult for the people to get treatment.

Thinking of the possibility of losing Mu Nuo, Yu Chikyung's heart suddenly panicked, and immediately said to Mu Nuo: "Let's think of other ways."

He can give up the position of king of Jingshui God Realm, but he can't lose Mu Nuo.

"Don't worry, I won't be so stupid." Mu Nuo said with a slightly cold face.

The person behind this scene is obviously coming for her. Given her situation, even if she puts herself on top, it may not be possible to save many people. It is convenient and poisons the people, so isn't her cleansing in vain?

She didn't believe that there was no other way to get rid of the poison.

Looking at the gloomy expressions on the faces of Yu Chikyung and Xuanhuang, Mu Nuo raised a slight arc on his mouth and said, "Since the power of darkness can get rid of this toxin, then it can be regarded as finding a little trick, and it can be regarded as useful." progress."

"I'll try to control my power again." After pondering for a long time, Yu Chikyung said in a deep voice.

Mu Nuo's use of dark power can be said to be bullying the big and the small, using the absolutely powerful dark power to remove all toxins, but the power of light contained in his spiritual power is very likely to be The natural nemesis of these toxins, once his spiritual power can be used to eliminate the toxins, then Mu Nuo no longer needs to spend so much effort.

Regarding the decision made by Yu Chikyung, Mu Nuo only nodded slightly. If it is said that the effect is more effective, Yuchikyung's is naturally more effective. However, Yuchikyung's spiritual power is too powerful, which is also a very helpless thing .

However, when the two were struggling their brain cells for the poison on the common people, the rumors about Mu Nuo that had just dissipated not long ago came out again, and this time, compared to the last time, it was even more frustrating .

Those who are interested have discovered that the people who were poisoned this time have one characteristic, that is, the people who were poisoned, when the rumors about Mu Nuo surged around last time, these people were either silent or helped Mu Nuo Speaking, all in all, is to protect Mu Nuo.

But the people who had said something wrong about Mu Nuo last time were safe and sound in this poisoning incident.

As soon as this speculation came out, the public immediately exploded.

When offering sacrifices to the heavens last time, it was originally said that the empress would not be recognized by the heavens. Later, the statement was stopped because of the appearance of the national teacher. However, not long after this incident, the poisoning incident appeared again.

The connection between these two things really makes the people have to worry.

I don't know if this is God's punishment for those who defended the queen.

It was okay last time, even if the queen did not get the approval of the heavens, it was the queen's business alone, and if the heaven wanted to punish, it would only punish the queen.

(End of this chapter)

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