Chapter 479
According to Tian Ye's intention, Mu Nuo mobilized the most pure wood power in his body and integrated it into a stone ball on the top of the altar. When the green spiritual power touched the stone ball, the ball Almost immediately, a black aura was about to emerge, but before Mu Nuo's heart was raised, a large amount of light power immediately emerged from the stone ball.

Tian Ye's expression changed insignificantly, and his expression changed so fast that even Yu Chikyung who was beside him didn't notice anything wrong with Tian Ye.

Gentle white fluorescent light immediately radiated from the top of the Holy Heaven Altar, quickly lingering over the capital city of Jingshui Shenyu, and then slowly fell below, piercing between the eyebrows of the poisoned people, and when the white aura entered After entering the common people's bodies, a very faint black aura emanated from the common people's bodies, and then dispersed with the wind.

As the black gas gushed out, the poisoned people suddenly felt relaxed, and the lost strength returned to their bodies, and all the original discomfort disappeared.

This is detoxification!
For a moment, the people below were ecstatic, talking about their situation excitedly to their friends or family members beside them.

Yingying white light still surrounds the sky above the capital.

The people who have successfully detoxified and recovered, looked along the white light above their heads, and saw Mu Nuo who was still exercising at the top of the Holy Heaven Altar. Only then did they realize that their queen went to the top of the Holy Heaven Altar to Release the power of light from the holy sky altar, and then detoxify them.

Feelings of gratitude suddenly arose spontaneously, and the common people knelt down to express their gratitude to Mu Nuo.

I don't know who it is, but suddenly mentioned a sentence: "The queen queen can actually release the light power of the holy sky altar!"

With this sentence, the original excitement below disappeared immediately, and was replaced by complete silence.

"The power of this light is still so strong..."

One more sentence completely disappeared all the sounds under the altar, and the people did not even dare to take a deep breath.

All along, only kings and national teachers recognized by the heavens can climb to the top of the Holy Heaven Altar, and only outstanding national teachers can release the power of light from the Holy Heaven Altar.

Even a national teacher who can release a little bit of power of light will be highly respected by the people.

Now, the Queen Empress at the top of the altar seems to be able to release the light power of the Holy Heaven Altar endlessly.


Who dares to say that their empresses and empresses are not recognized by the heavens? !
If the empresses and empresses are not recognized by the heavens, then what should be said about so many kings and national teachers in the past, wouldn't they also not be recognized by the heavens?

What a joke.

Apologies, respect, all of a sudden, poured out from the depths of the people's hearts.

It was they who were wrong and believed the villain's false rumors, causing them to misunderstand their queen and empress twice.

It was they who were dead wrong.

The great apology in their hearts, as well as the respect, made the people kowtow to Mu Nuo to ask for forgiveness.

Tian Ye watched the behavior of the people below, and not only could he say yes or no, but he said to Mu Nuo in a secret voice: "All the poisons on the people in the city have been cured."

(End of this chapter)

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