Chapter 484 Dark Power 3
Protector Bai's blow was very sharp on the surface, but in fact, it didn't contain much power. This blow was just to attract Yu Chikyung and Mu Nuo to make a move. As long as these two people make a move, then the next Only good plays can make their debut smoothly.

The next moment when Yu Chikyung made a move, the black and white protectors looked at each other, and the two joined forces to quickly attack Yuchikyung.

The gray-purple long sword cast by force, as well as the bow and arrow of the same style, all combined the huge energy of the black and white protectors, and almost condensed [-]% of the energy of the two in one blow. , quickly sent to Yuchi Kyung.

The strength of the black and white protectors has also reached the holy level. If they use their best efforts to attack, even Yu Chikyung will not be able to please half a point.

Compared with Yu Chikyung, Mu Nuo was more worried in his heart, but he was worried, and Mu Nuo looked very calm on his face.

Only the black and white protectors are holy rank abilities?
Is her and Yu Chikyung's strength just a display?
If you want two-on-one, then ask her if she agrees!

The grass here is very luxuriant and full of vitality, it is Mu Nuo's natural battlefield.

In such a place, it is not too good for Mu Nuo who cultivates the main force of wood.

The black and white protectors felt the thick wood power emanating from Yu Mu Nuo, and their expressions changed one after another.

They only considered a certain factor here, but they forgot that it is surrounded by bamboo trees and is very polite to Mu Nuo.

Almost immediately, the black and white protectors immediately switched their strategies this time, and the gestures of the formations in their hands suddenly changed very obviously.

A sharp arrow feather formed by the [-]% of the two people quickly shot towards Yu Chikyung.

However, no matter whether it is Mu Nuo or Yu Chikyung, facing the swiftly approaching arrow feathers, their faces are still calm, and they are not affected by this swiftly approaching arrow feathers at all, and they are methodically preparing to deal with this situation. An arrow, at the same time, is also ready to shoot, ready to fight back at any time.

When the arrow feathers were about to hit the barrier set by Yu Chikyung, the gray-purple arrow feathers suddenly disappeared from sight.

Before Yu Chikyung could react, he was attracted by Mu Nuo who suddenly burst into spiritual power beside him.

This arrow feather, which was originally aimed at Yu Chikyung, appeared in front of Mu Nuo at the last moment.

This point was somewhat beyond the expectations of Mu Nuo and Yu Chikyung. Fortunately, Mu Nuo was quite nimble in responding to the enemy, but in an instant, he successfully blocked the arrow feathers that suddenly appeared in front of him.

The arrow feathers disappeared successfully, but to the black and white protectors, it was more like an expected event, and they were not disturbed by Mu Nuo's quick reaction, but the movements of the formation in the hands kept speeding up.

As if they had practiced countless times, the speed of the two was so fast that it was hard to see with the naked eye. At the moment when the arrow feather was blown up, a gray-purple light quickly came towards Mu Nuo, and finally injected into the arrow that was about to be blown up. on the arrow feathers.

The gray-purple light injected into the arrow feathers did not restore the arrow feathers, but dissipated their power in all directions as the arrow feathers were blown up.

"This force is weird!" Xuanhuang, who was located in Mu Nuo's space, said to Mu Nuo in a deep voice.

This strange physical quantity does not seem to be able to cause any harm to Mu Nuo, but it still has some influence on Mu Nuo, but the impact caused by this, even if it is Xuanhuang, it will not be able to do it for a while. Can't tell what it is.

(End of this chapter)

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