Chapter 489 Confused 4
Fleeing to the foot of the mountain at the fastest speed in his life, he hurriedly said to the people at the foot of the mountain who were captured by them: "I know that maybe you don't believe us at this time, but whether you believe it or not, the volcano is about to erupt. This seat is protecting you, hurry up and escape from this place."

With that said, the black and white protectors mobilized force and gathered a barrier for everyone.

Because it was too hasty, the fishy sweetness flooded into Bai Hufa's throat again, and Bai Hufa couldn't bear it anymore, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

When the few people closest to Protector Bai saw the blood sprayed out by Protector Bai, they couldn't react immediately. What's going on?

These two people were clamoring to kill them before, but now they don't even care about their own bodies, and they still protect them from this place even though they are injured?

The shaking on the ground became more and more severe. Regardless of whether the people believed the two men who captured them or not, at this moment, they had to believe that their lives mattered.

Seeing the people finally leaving here willingly and quickly, the black and white guardians looked at each other, and the gray-purple light in their hands suddenly burst out. The people who were in a hurry to leave had all died.

And all of them died unrepentantly.

Aren't they going to leave here to survive?How come they still died in the end?
Why, do they die?How did they die?
I don't know, I don't know, just in such a sudden situation, I died.

"A bunch of trash, how dare you waste my time?" Protector Bai coldly glanced at the civilians lying on the ground, who had become corpses.

The volcano erupted, even if it was them, they didn't dare to face it. If they brought this group of helpless people, wouldn't they die here together with this group of trash?
But those who fell on the ground were not only the common people, but also the people from the Yinzong who were in charge of escorting the common people.

The previous good looks were just to make Wei Yuntian look at the light curtain image recorded by the shadow stone everywhere. Now that the shadow stone has been destroyed, there is no need for them to continue to pretend to be a good person.

The two faces of the front and the back, the ignorant Wei Yun Tianren, it is better to know the scene of their "kindness".

Here, after the black and white protectors had dealt with the common people and the Yinzong people they brought with them, they left this area quickly.

On that side, Yu Chikyung and Mu Nuo who stayed at the top of the mountain had extremely gloomy expressions.

They have been able to feel the volcano below and its recovery and eruption, which seems to be the next moment. With the energy escaping from the volcano, Mu Nuo can roughly guess the scope that will be affected once the volcano erupts.

The densely populated Jingshui Shenyu capital is the first to bear the brunt.

The population of Jingshui Shenyu's capital is already large. Today, many people who were originally poisoned have been attracted to the capital. Now the number of people in the capital...

Not to mention, once this volcano erupts, it will definitely not only affect the capital of the Jingshui God Territory.

That affects at least hundreds of thousands of people.

Can hundreds of thousands of fresh lives stand by and watch?

Obviously, Mu Nuo can't be cold-blooded to this point, and Yu Chikyung can't even. These are all his people, and he can't let so many people die in the volcanic eruption.

Yu Chikyung turned his head to look at Mu Nuo, and just wanted to persuade Mu Nuo to leave first, but when he touched Mu Nuo's eyes, it was clearly written, if you dare to let me go back, I will definitely make you look good!

(End of this chapter)

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