The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 491 Yuchi Kyung’s Death 2

Chapter 491 Yuchi Kyung’s Death 2
Didn't you agree to face it together and not be afraid?

As long as the two of them join hands, then, no matter what they will face, they will not feel afraid.

"It's such a rare moment in life, so naturally we have to be emotional." Yu Chikyung said with a smile, as if they were not in the mouth of a volcano that was about to erupt, but in a beautiful place.

"Yu Chikyung, if there is a next life, will you remember me?" Suddenly, Mu Nuo wanted to ask this question.

"Definitely." Yu Chikyung replied with certainty.

Hearing Yu Chikyung's answer, Mu Nuo curled his lips in satisfaction, and then asked: "If you find out that after this time, you didn't die, but went to a completely strange place, where, don't you know?" What will you do if you have me again?" Mu Nuo suddenly asked again.

She herself had died once, perhaps God had pity on her, and did not make her die completely, but sent her to such a strange world, and sent her to Yu Chikyung's side.

No matter why God made such a decision to give her a second life, even though this life seemed so short, she was still grateful.

In this life, she is no longer alone, except for her four most loyal partners, she also has family and her lover.

In her short life, she felt that she was far more fulfilled and happy than her previous life.

"Then even if I go against the world, I will definitely find you, tie you firmly by my side, and never allow you to leave half a step away." Yu Chikyung said domineeringly across his face.

Hearing Yuchi Kyung's overbearing behavior and feeling the rapid loss of spiritual power in his body, Mu Nuo's mood was unprecedentedly calm.

The four guys in the space knew what Mu Nuo was thinking, but none of them came out to stop it.

Mu Nuo is their master, she lives, they live, and she dies, they must follow.

After being overbearing, Yu Chikyung's tone suddenly softened, and he murmured, "It's just, how difficult it is."

After finishing speaking, Yu Chikyung suddenly said in Mu Nuo's ear: "Mu Mu, if you don't have me, you should live well..."

Hearing Yu Chikyung's words, Mu Nuo's face suddenly changed drastically.

What does Yuchi Kyung mean by this?What does it mean that she would have a good life without him?

The temperature is getting higher and higher, and the magma in the crater, like a tiger trapped in a cage, is about to rush out of the cage.

Mu Nuo almost watched the jet of lava under his feet.

However, at this moment, the ejection speed of the magma seems to be slowed down several times.

The magma is erupting, but she is also constantly moving away from this side, heading into the sky.

The height from the ground is getting higher and higher, and the distance from Yu Chikyung is also getting farther and farther.

No, she don't leave!

Although the heart is thinking like this, but the body seems to be out of control, watching the distance between Yu Chikyung getting farther and farther.

Helplessly, he watched Yu Chikyung plunge into the sea of ​​flames.

The fiery red aura wrapped Yuchi Kyung tightly, turned into a fiery red light ball, and disappeared into the magma.

Mu Nuo could almost feel the change in the shape of his mouth.

The heart-piercing "no" came out of his throat step by step, and then rushed out of his mouth, piercing the sky.

When the fiery red light ball submerges into the boiling magma, it is also when the magma is most active.

(End of this chapter)

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