The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 497 Arriving at Cangqingdi for the First Time 4

Chapter 497 Arriving at Cangqingdi for the First Time 4
"No, miss, miss is the first lady, you can't break into miss's room casually." The voice was trembling, and there was a lot of fear in it, but it still insisted on its position, and couldn't let others people go in.

"Why don't you hurry up and take this little hoof away?" The sharp voice sounded again, and the words were full of displeasure.

Bah, what Miss Di, this Jingzhaoyin Mansion has long since had no eldest wife, and now Jingzhaoyin Mansion is her mother's biggest, and her mother has the final say, so a so-called Miss Di who has no mother is nothing.

Mu Yu, the third lady of Jingzhaoyin Mansion, cast a sideways look at Ping'er, the maid next to her. Ping'er received Mu Yu's look, stepped forward, and planned to kick Mu Nuo's door open with her foot.

However, just when Ping'er's feet were about to touch the door, the closed door suddenly opened, and Ping'er's center of gravity was unstable, and he fell down on the ground.

"Is there something wrong?" Mu Nuo ignored Ping'er who fell hard to the ground, and looked at the unexpected guests with a cold face.

Mu Nuo's cold attitude surprised Mu Yu and her mother, Second Aunt.

What's wrong with this dead girl, how can she have such cold eyes?
Even though he noticed something wrong with Mu Nuo's eyes, after so many years of bullying, neither the second aunt nor Mu Yu took Mu Nuo to heart, and Mu Yu even walked into Mu Nuo's room without any hesitation. Then he went straight to Mu Nuo's dressing table.

However, when he saw the empty dressing table, Mu Yu's exquisite little face immediately showed some displeasure, and he shouted at Mu Nuo: "Hey, where are you hiding those hairpins? "

Although their father is just a little Jing Zhaoyin, Mu Nuo's mother's natal family is a minister, and her official rank is much higher than that of Jing Zhaoyin. As the daughter of a minister, Mu Nuo's mother is I left many good things for Mu Nuo, and the exquisite hairpin jewelry is part of it.

Since the death of Mu Nuo's mother, the second aunt has taken charge of the power in the backyard of Jing Zhao Yin's mansion, and her daughter Mu Yu has naturally become more and more domineering.

And "Munuo", who was originally restrained, was bullied by the two of them even more. Jing Zhaoyin was also busy with official affairs, so he seldom asked about the affairs of his own backyard.

Therefore, Mu Yu took the things that Mu Nuoniang left for Mu Nuo, and it became more and more smooth and logical.

"Nuo Nuo, in a few days the draft will be held every three years. As for you, you have been weak since you were a child, so it is better not to go to the draft. Let Yu'er help you shoulder the burden of honoring the family, for the benefit of the family. , Nuonuo should also behave a bit more grandly, so don't be stingy with this bit of jewelry, if your sister falls into the emperor's eyes and becomes the emperor's concubine, your father will also be honored, right?" Second aunt said with a smile on her face.

Although there was a smile on his face, deep in his eyes was full of disdain.

Such a fool can actually have so many good things, and they hide them so well. I have said so many times in secret, but I just don’t want to hand over all the good things at once, so that they can hide them every time. so troublesome.

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Mu Nuo asked coldly.

Hearing Mu Nuo's cold words, the second aunt was stunned. What's the matter with this fool? Even though she was reluctant to give up in the past, after hesitating for a while, she would obediently take out the jewelry. How do you look at this? Just once in a while, this idiot doesn't seem to intend to donate the jewelry?
(End of this chapter)

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