The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 501 Before the Draft 2

Chapter 501 Before the Draft 2
But a little Mu Yu, with such a foul mouth, should be taught a lesson.

Seeing that there was no sign of remorse on Mu Nuo's face, Jing Zhaoyin's heartbroken breath almost made him blush.

Originally, he had some pity for Mu Nuo, but after seeing Mu Nuo's cold appearance, Jing Zhaoyin immediately became angry, raised his hand, and wanted to slap Mu Nuo.

Even if you love her on a daily basis, you still need to know how to measure it.

However, Jing Zhaoyin's hand stopped in mid-air and could not fall down for a long time. This was not because Jing Zhaoyin was suddenly reluctant to hit Mu Nuo, but because there seemed to be a force in his hand that hindered his movement. Hand, so that his hand can't fall, this slap can't be done.

Mu Nuo looked at Jing Zhaoyin with his right hand raised high, the coldness on his face did not lessen, and he said coldly: "She can't go, I will go instead."

After finishing speaking, before Jing Zhaoyin and others could react, a force came from who knows where, and all the people in the pavilion were blown out, and then there was an extremely loud sound of closing the door.

The people who were blown out for no reason looked at the closed door, and for a while, no one dared to say a word.

As the father of "Munuo", Jing Zhaoyin stood not far from the pavilion, his hands clenched into fists in his sleeves, his face was very gloomy, but in the end, he didn't say anything more, but waved his clothes Sleeves, turned around and left Mu Nuo's pavilion.

Second Aunt and Mu Yu looked at Jing Zhaoyin who left so easily, with disbelief written on their faces, Jing Zhaoyin left without saying a word when this stinky girl treated Jing Zhaoyin like this.

Er Yiniang and Mu Yu naturally didn't know that Jing Zhaoyin left so easily because he was suddenly afraid of that extremely cold look from his "daughter".

Those icy eyes seemed to be able to freeze people into ice slag just by looking at each other.

Jing Zhaoyin was scared, how could the second aunt and Mu Yu have no fear in their hearts, looked at the red Wuzhishan on Mu Yu's face again, the second aunt gritted her teeth, and finally decided to take Mu Yu back first Let's talk when Mu Yu's face is cured.

As long as Mu Yu becomes the emperor's concubine, wouldn't that Mu Nuo be like meat on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered?

"They left." Suddenly, a black aura emanated from the pavilion, and then, his figure gradually became clear. It was She Hua who hadn't shown his face for many days.

"Thank you for your hard work in the days to come." Mu Nuo said lightly, although his voice was still cold without much emotion, but compared to just now, it seemed extremely warm.

She understood the meaning of what Tianye said earlier, in order to turn Cangqingdi into her own force, there are some things that need to be put aside first, for example, reputation.

What Tianye meant was to allow her to control the emperor by entering the palace. As for the so-called competition for favor, that didn't exist. She wanted to be beautiful and strong. How can a woman who is so weak and vulnerable be her opponent?
As for the sleeping servant, with her ability, she can successfully fool the emperor with just a single illusion.

All in all, entering the palace is just a means, and does not require much sincerity.

It just so happened that Jing Zhaoyin was a fourth-rank official just now, and his daughter happened to agree with the conditions for entering the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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