The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 503 Before the Draft 4

Chapter 503 Before the Draft 4
This voice is very familiar, very familiar...

"Master, wake up!"

Let her look for it again, okay? He must have not left yet. How could he be willing to leave her so soon?He must still be around here, let her look for it, okay?Just for a while, just for a while...

"Master! Wake up quickly..." There was a sobbing voice.

Is it Shehua?Shehua is crying?

Shehua never cried, why did Shehua cry?
With doubts and worries, Mu Nuo finally opened his eyes.

Seeing that Mu Nuo finally opened his eyes, She Hua wept with joy, and said to Mu Nuo: "Master, you finally woke up."

"Don't be afraid." Mu Nuo gently hugged Shehua into his arms, and patted Shehua's back lightly.

"Yesterday, the master went mad, and his whole body seemed to be on fire. No matter what Shehua called, the master would not be able to wake up. Shehua was afraid..." Shehua stabilized his thoughts, but still held back his words. I couldn't help crying a little bit.

Hearing She Hua's words, Mu Nuo was slightly taken aback, burned by the fire?She didn't feel anything at all, besides, this happened yesterday?However, she seemed to have only passed a minute or two.

"It's Yu Chikyung who left behind too much influence." Xuanhuang's voice sounded faintly.

The last step of the fusion of natural forces is often the most painful time. From the last time, it can be seen that last time, at the last step, Mu Nuo was in so much pain that he almost couldn't survive.

However, this time, it was very painful for outsiders to see, but for Mu Nuo himself, nothing happened.

Come to think of it, isn't it Yu Chikyung's influence on his cultivation?

Because Yu Chikyung didn't want to hurt Mu Nuo, so the power of fire with his aura would also restrain himself, trying not to hurt Mu Nuo as much as possible.

Hearing Xuanhuang's words, Mu Nuo lowered his head slightly, and fell into silence again. After a long time, Mu Nuo asked She Hua: "How many days have passed now?"

"Tomorrow is the day for the palace draft." Knowing what Mu Nuo wanted to ask, She Hua immediately replied.

"Has anyone been to Jingzhaoyin Mansion?" Mu Nuo asked in a cold voice.

"People from the Zhou family came once, but I have driven them back. Jing Zhaoyin has never been here. However, I guess, it will be soon." She Hua said slowly.

As soon as Shehua finished speaking, there was a knock on the door. It was Jing Zhaoyin who hadn't been here for a few days.

Under Mu Nuo's gesture, She Hua opened the door for Jing Zhaoyin. When Jing Zhaoyin saw She Hua's strange face, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"This is my girl." Mu Nuo said in a cold voice.

Since he is going to enter the palace, there must be someone by his side. Instead of letting those strange women follow, it is better to let Shehua follow him, so it is also convenient to do things.

But a girl, Jing Zhaoyin didn't care too much, hesitated for a moment, and asked Mu Nuo: "Nuo Nuo, a few days ago, you said, you want to enter the palace?"

"Yes." Mu Nuo said to Jing Zhaoyin with certainty.

"Then... are you ready? Tomorrow is the day of the draft." Jing Zhaoyin asked with some uncertainty.

This time, if it wasn't for the fact that the Wuzhi Mountain on Mu Yu's face couldn't get rid of, he wouldn't have thought about asking this daughter to enter the palace to participate in the draft. Well, in a place like the imperial palace, with his eldest daughter's temper, I'm afraid she might not have a bright future.

(End of this chapter)

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