Chapter 506 Lost Soul 1
If there are not too many exceptions, Mu Nuo can give the green light all the way and go directly to the last step, and the emperor himself decides whether he wants Mu Nuo or not.

When he saw Mu Nuo, the smile on Jing Zhaoyin's face suddenly froze: "You child, didn't I send you a lot of fancy clothes and jewelry? Why don't you use them?"

"That's enough." Mu Nuo said coldly.

She entered the palace not to please the emperor, but to control the government.

A woman looks like someone who pleases herself, and she, Mu Nuo, will only dress up for Yu Chikyung alone.

Jing Zhaoyin wanted to say something else, but the black spiritual light on Mu Nuo's fingertips flickered faintly, and everyone present who wanted to persuade Mu Nuo became a little dull in an instant.

"It's up to you, it's up to you, as long as you like it..." Jing Zhaoyin murmured.

Hearing Jing Zhaoyin's words, Mu Nuo raised his head slightly, then strode forward to the door.

After Mu Nuo got into the carriage and headed towards the palace, Jing Zhaoyin and others woke up.

Hey, I haven't changed my clothes yet, why did I just leave?
"My lord, my lord, look." A woman came to Jing Zhaoyin with a few maidservants, holding a bunch of costumes and jewelry.

Jing Zhaoyin saw that these were not exactly what he ordered someone to give to Mu Nuo?
What is this girl doing?She didn't change her clothes, she didn't bring anything with her, just a set of clothes. Does she still want to spend a few days in the draft?
Although the first few levels have already been arranged by someone, the most important thing is for His Majesty to take a fancy to it. Who would like such a plain dress?
However, at this time, it is useless even if Jing Zhaoyin is furious, Mu Nuo is about to enter the palace.

Hiding not far away, watching all this Mu Yu almost broke the silk handkerchief in his hand.

All of this should have belonged to her.

However, why was this little hoof able to take away everything that originally belonged to her? !

Hatred, at this moment, suddenly became a towering tree, and it was out of control so far.

After entering the palace, the air-conditioning from Mu Nuo's body still remained undiminished, and a goose-yellow veil was covering his face, making it hard to see Mu Nuo's face clearly.

However, from Mu Nuo's figure and those delicate and beautiful eyes, it is not difficult to imagine that this person must be a great beauty.

Of course, for this moment and this place, this guess will not only bring no benefit to Mu Nuo, on the contrary, it will only lead to countless troubles.

As soon as he entered the palace where he lived temporarily, he immediately attracted the attention of all the women in the palace.

Don't look at the face, just the temperament of that body is enough to kill all male animals in an instant.

This person must not allow her to meet the emperor smoothly!
For a while, this became the common thought of almost all the women in the palace.

Haven't started the draft, haven't met the emperor yet, Gong Dou is about to start.

"I don't know who this girl's father is?" A young woman in a pink dress slowly walked up to Mu Nuo, twisting her water snake waist.

The other women felt ashamed when they saw this woman acting like this, but no one said anything.

This woman has a good family background and a very good appearance. She is really a stunner. Such a woman is the easiest to seduce a man's soul.

Such a woman must not be allowed to enter the palace, otherwise, would there be a way for them to survive?
(End of this chapter)

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