Chapter 509 Lost Soul 4
Well, the emperor, Mu Nuo is not going to kneel down.

So, when all the show girls lowered their eyebrows and walked forward slowly with showy steps, only Mu Nuo walked into the palace where the emperor was sitting with his chest upright.

Such a calm and composed demeanor, as if walking in Mu Nuo's back garden.

The show girl on the side was very surprised to see Mu Nuo walking like this. Those who were able to come here and participate in the final round of screening should have received very strict etiquette training. Why is this show girl but……

Naturally, it is impossible for Xiu Nuo to remind Mu Nuo that this round is the most critical one. Everyone hopes that they can successfully get into the eyes of His Majesty the Emperor. blast out.

The palace servants who were leading the guide at the side, when they saw Mu Nuo walking like this, immediately wanted to warn Mu Nuo that he was about to meet the emperor, and he still walked like this, isn't he trying to die? ?

However, the palace talent just turned his head to look at Mu Nuo, and before he had time to speak, there was a blank in his mind.

Hey, what was he trying to do just now?

After thinking about it, he didn't expect it, as if subconsciously ignoring Mu Nuo, he continued to lower his head, lead the way obediently, and didn't say anything more.

If he dared to walk into the palace with his head held high, he would naturally dare to face the emperor directly.

And precisely because everyone else lowered their heads slightly, and only Mu Nuo held his head high, among so many people, Mu Nuo was very conspicuous.

Because of these two reasons, the moment Mu Nuo just stepped into the palace, he met the eyes of His Majesty the Emperor.

However, at the moment when their eyes met, both Mu Nuo and the emperor were stunned.

"Kneel down!" The eunuch standing next to the emperor raised his voice and shouted. After hearing the eunuch's words, the other four beautiful girls knelt down one after another and shouted "Long Live the Holy Spirit".

Only Mu Nuo stood there blankly, staring blankly at the emperor.

When the chief eunuch saw Mu Nuo, he was immediately annoyed, which family's lady is this?Don't you know that when you meet with the Holy Majesty, you can't look directly at the Holy Majesty without the permission of the Holy Majesty?

This lady, not only didn't kneel down to worship the emperor, but she also stared at the emperor so carelessly, she was really presumptuous!
Seeing such an unruly beautiful girl for the first time, the chief eunuch subconsciously asked the emperor to drive Mu Nuo out of the palace, but when the chief eunuch turned his attention to the emperor, he was about to report to the emperor. While playing, he found that the emperor's eyes were also falling directly on that bold beautiful girl at this time, looking at her blankly with the same eyes as that beautiful girl.

"Emperor?" The chief eunuch tried to call the emperor.

It was just a cry, but the emperor didn't get a response. The chief eunuch called again, and the emperor came back to his senses. However, when the chief eunuch was about to speak, the emperor suddenly stood up from his dragon seat. Under the surprised gaze of the chief eunuch, he quickly walked down the high platform and headed towards the direction where Mu Nuo was. Then, he took Mu Nuo's hand and was about to leave the palace. What to do.

What's the matter?The emperor is bewitched?
Without daring to ask more questions, the chief eunuch hurriedly followed the emperor's pace. As for the others, other beautiful girls?Take it back to the original palace first and stay there.

(End of this chapter)

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