The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 530 Little Heart Can’t Help Scaring 1

Chapter 530 Little Heart Can’t Help Scaring 1
Hearing Song Tian's words, a flash of anger flashed across Ziyi's face, followed by contempt: "Slander? It is an indisputable fact that you say that Sister Mu cultivates the power of darkness. Come to think of it, you have also seen it. After seeing the image on the shadow stone, why bother to deceive yourself?"

"Even if Sister Mu cultivates the power of darkness, she is much better than you villains!" Song Tian continued.

"Xiaotian, why bother to talk so much nonsense to them, as long as you are worthy of your own conscience, it is enough, the worst is death." Cang Ling, who has a fiery personality, said directly to Song Tian, ​​what he said did not have the slightest bit of face with Venerable Ziyi .

Want them to compromise?impossible!

When Mu Nuo, who came quickly, just arrived at Beidi College, he happened to hear Song Tian and Cang Ling's words, and Mu Nuo couldn't help feeling warm.

"Junior Sister is right, we will never compromise!" Cang Wu also said sharply, just as Cang Wu finished speaking, everyone intensified the strength of their hands at the same time with a tacit understanding.

Although they knew very well that even if they hit with all their strength, they could only cause a little damage to them at most, but it was difficult to hurt their roots.

But anyway, give it a try.

However, the result was far beyond their expectations.

With a blow with all their strength, they managed to seriously injure more than a dozen people on the opposite side, and even a few high-strength masters who were second only to them died. He was also badly injured.

"You wait, I will definitely not let you go." Venerable Zi Yi gritted his teeth and looked at Cang Wu and the others, and then wanted to leave.

Seeing that Venerable Ziyi wanted to leave, Cang Xing subconsciously tried to stop Venerable Ziyi.

The silver aura quickly caught up with the fleeing Venerable Purple Clothed at four or five times the speed before, and then directly penetrated the Venerable Purple Clothed body. Before the Venerable Purple Cloth could react, it was gone.

Seeing the purple-clothed Venerable who instantly turned into a pile of powder, Cang Xing couldn't help but stare at his hands in a daze, with disbelief written all over his face.

Is this... is this really his power?

"Cang...Cang Xing, you...when did your strength become so powerful?" Cang Ling couldn't help but stuttered and asked Cang Xing.

With the strength of so many people, they couldn't hurt Yinzong's people at all. Now, Cang Xingna doesn't seem to have much strength, but he has the mentality of holding a dead horse as a living horse doctor. It’s not as simple as killing the Venerable in Ziyi, but it directly wipes out a person.

How much power Cang Xing contained in this blow?

Anyway, as far as she Cang Ling was concerned, even if she tried her best to make the Venerable Ziyi stand still, she would probably only seriously injure the Venerable Ziyi at most.

Compared with Cang Ling and Cang Xing, Cang Wu seemed calmer. After a moment of astonishment, he fiddled with his reaction and raised his voice to ask in midair, "May I ask which senior came to help?"

"I dare not falsely claim to be the seniors of the presidents." A faint voice came from behind everyone.

When Cang Wu and the others heard this voice, they couldn't help being surprised.

Song Tian was so surprised that he opened his mouth wide open, his face was even more excited, his mouth kept trembling, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything for a while, the words stuck in his throat, and he couldn't even say a word. Unable to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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