Chapter 537 Just Hit You 4
Of course, in Mu Nuo's mouth, he is a minion, but in the eyes of the world, the person who came is a top master who can only be admired.

The people who came were all natural persons whose strength had reached the ninth level, and the number was no longer the previous ten or twenty, but five or six times more, and there were nearly 100 people.

It is indeed too difficult for Mu Nuo alone to fight against nearly a hundred ninth-level naturalists.

"Big Red." Mu Nuo called softly.

She naturally knows the strength of the opponents and the reason why two fists are hard to beat with four palms, so she naturally needs a helper.

Shehua and Xuanhuang were not considered because their identities and strengths were too sensitive.

If it was not necessary, she would never consider letting Xuanhuang and Shehua expose their strength.

"Master, I'm here!" Hearing Mu Nuo's call, Dahong immediately appeared excitedly.

"Master, I'm coming too!" Dahong was summoned by Mu Nuo, and Xiaobai was naturally not far behind.

Although the voice was still as delicate as ever, the words were full of firmness.

Hearing Xiaobai's firm words, Mu Nuo thought for a moment, but he didn't stop Xiaobai.

"Then let's do a good job!" The smile on the corner of Mu Nuo's mouth deepened by two points.

She didn't know how Yinzong learned that she didn't die with Yu Chikyung at the volcano. Now, Shuiganjing and Weiyuntian are full of wanted people about her.

That being the case, she simply killed the Yinzong people openly and honestly, which can be regarded as a sigh of relief for herself.

But in a short time, a group of Yinzong people came to a place less than 50 meters away from Mu Nuo.

In the middle of the sky, on one side, there are nearly a hundred people from the Yinzong, and their momentum is very huge.

However, on the other side, there is only Mu Nuo alone, plus, a rose with strange eyes and a white lotus floating beside Mu Nuo.

But even so, if there are bystanders watching from the sidelines, they will feel that Mu Nuo's momentum seems to be stronger.

"I didn't expect that you escaped to Shuigan Realm..." The leader of Yinzong said to Mu Nuo with a face full of disdain, but before he finished speaking, there was already a pile of people in the next instant. Flour.

Seeing the scene in front of him, the Yinzong people were shocked.

This...the person on the opposite side doesn't seem to have made a move. Their heads, come they are already dead?

Fear spread among the Yinzong people for a while.

This is a good time, what you want is panic, what you want is negative emotions.

Before the smile on the corner of his mouth was fully raised, Mu Nuo's figure had disappeared from the spot, and the next moment, there were multiple screams from the Yinzong's camp.

And Dahong was not to be outdone, while turning the spikes on her branches into sharp weapons, she kept rotating her body, and a faint red and black breath kept coming out of Dahong.

A series of negative emotions such as fear became more and more obvious in Yinzong people.

Xiaobai's attack power is not as good as Dahong's, let alone Dahong's, and even a lot of Yinzong people, but it doesn't mean Xiaobai will be rubbed by others.

I saw Xiaobai coming in front of a Yinzong man dressed in black. It was strange that not only the Yinzong man didn't kill Xiaobai directly, but also the men in black beside him were all stunned. Looking at Xiaobai,

(End of this chapter)

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