The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 540 Can't Sleep 3

Chapter 540 Can't Sleep 3
"Shouldn't we keep a low profile?" Mu Nuo gritted his teeth and looked at Tian Ye.

Tian Ye shrugged innocently: "This is already the ugliest appearance I can accept. If it is any more ugly, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist destroying my own face first, and then just stay here forever. There is no need to go anywhere."

Mu Nuo: "..."

"Also, think about it, instead of pretending to be an ordinary person, it's better to show yourself. Maybe the more you flaunt yourself, the less people from the Yinzong will pay attention to you." Tian Ye said as if it was a matter of course.

Tian Ye's words sound very reasonable at first glance, but it's hard to say when it's actually applied.

However, seeing Tian Ye being so determined, Mu Nuo couldn't say anything, because it was useless to say anything.

Simply put, Tian Ye pretended to be the young master of a rich family, and Mu Nuo and Yu Chikyung turned into Tian Ye's servants and maids, and went shopping on the street in an open and aboveboard manner.

Maybe these people are too ostentatious, so ostentatious that they don't have the slightest guilty conscience after being wanted.

Or maybe the Yinzong people would never think that just now they had a big fight in the capital of Beiyun Kingdom, exposing their position, and then they should leave this place quickly and find a new foothold. Staying in the capital, it is even more impossible to go shopping in the streets like this.

At the end of the day, nothing happened to the three of them.

It seems that there are more Yinzong people in the capital of Beiyun Kingdom, and the rest have not changed much.

During the period, Mu Nuo took Yu Chikyung, and let Yuchikyung see the prosperity of the capital of Beiyun Kingdom, and also saw the trial of Jing Zhaoyin, and even, together with, the early court of the king.

At the end of the day, Yu Chikyung felt as if his cognition had been refreshed. When he was lying on the bed and sleeping, he felt that everything he saw today was too unreal.

"You're really courageous." As night fell, Tian Ye brought a jug of wine that he bought in the morning to a gazebo on the edge of the island.

"I never said I was a timid person." With the night wind blowing, Mu Nuo responded lightly.

So what about shopping under the eyes of the Yinzong people, trespassing on the king's meeting hall, and eavesdropping on the state affairs discussed by the king and the ministers openly, so what, do they still want to catch them with their little strength? She can't?
"Today is not your style." Mu Nuo said suddenly.

Tian Ye looks like a very foolish person, but if he gets along with Tian Ye for a period of time, he can understand that Tian Ye is much more complicated than what he looks like on the bright side.

If Tianye insists on something, no one can make Tianye change his mind.

Not to mention an idea that he thought was bad, but it was exactly what she came up with.

"Is that how you know me? How do you know what my style is?" Tian Ye asked with a smile.

Mu Nuo turned his head and glanced at Tianye, then turned his gaze back to the stream in front of him.

Tian Ye is really too deep, it's hard to see through.

"Intuition." Mu Nuo threw the word to Tianye very calmly.

It is not only intuition, but also the observation and feeling of these few times of getting along.

"You are leisurely today." Mu Nuo glanced at the wine bottle in Tian Ye's hand, and said softly.

"Would you like to have a drink?" Tian Ye asked Mu Nuo with a light smile.

(End of this chapter)

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