Chapter 546 Back 1
The reason why he has been lingering until now is nothing more than waiting for the day when he can return to Junshang's side and revive the Mirror Water God Realm.

Yinzong's preparations far exceeded their expectations.

Not only are there many masters in the sect, but the despicable methods of Yinzong are even worse than before.

Almost everything is resolved by force, and where it cannot be resolved by force, poison is used, as well as various cruel forbidden techniques.

The biggest reason Jingshui Shenyu lost to Yinzong was that they were not despicable enough.

"Yuchikyung is dead, but he is still alive." When the three of them were almost desperate, Mu Nuo said again suddenly.

When the three of them heard Mu Nuo's words, their faces showed surprise.

What does this mean?
Looking at the doubts on the faces of the three of them, and because the three of them can't move freely now, Mu Nuo simply took advantage of this time to explain things clearly to them.

"That day, at the crater, Yu Chikyung was buried in the crater in order to prevent the eruption of the volcano. However, although Yuchikyung's body died, his soul was saved by Tianye. Tianye used some means to make him Tianye was reborn as the emperor of Cangqingdi Jilong Kingdom." Mu Nuo briefly explained Yu Chikyung's situation to the three of them.

" it still like this?" Yi Feng asked in surprise.

Although I always knew that some aspects of Tian Ye were very strange, but I never thought that Tian Ye could retain the soul of a dead person and let it be reborn into another person!
"Then... Your Majesty, is this going to be subjugated to the body of the Emperor of Jilong Kingdom?" Yi An asked curiously.

Although being able to be reborn and not really dying, they should already feel very fortunate, but if their king's soul is allowed to live on another ordinary person without any cultivation, it is really a big deal for their king. It seemed a little suffocated.

"That is also Yu Chikyung, the body where Yuchikyung's soul resides, and it is also his own." Mu Nuo said quietly.

When Mu Nuo said this, the three of them felt even more confused.

Why did they feel that the more they listened to Yue, they couldn't understand what the Queen was talking about?
"Yu Chikyung was reborn more than 20 years ago, reborn with a new life." Mu Nuo explained.

The three of them were surprised again. If someone else told them about such a thing, they probably wouldn't believe a word of it.

This matter is too mysterious.

"How did you move, I'm afraid you can only ask Tianye." Mu Nuo saw the astonishment on the faces of the three of them.

Fortunately, the three of them have also followed Yu Chikyung for so many years. Even though they were still very surprised, they also knew that this time was not just a time of blind surprise, so they calmed down their emotions. Yi Feng took the lead and asked Mu Nuo: " Dare to ask the queen, now, what is the queen's plan?"

"Now Shuiganjing and Weiyuntian are both controlled by Yinzong. If you want to find a breakthrough, you can only go through Cangqingdi." Mu Nuo said quietly to the three.

"Green blue bottom?" Yi An frowned.

When the three of them heard Mu Nuo say the word "Cangqingdi", although there was a certain amount of surprise on their faces, the look of surprise was a little lighter than when Cang Ling and others heard it before.

Almost at the same time as they heard these three words, the three of them were already thinking about the feasibility of putting the breakthrough point in the blue sky.

(End of this chapter)

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