Chapter 550 Root Cause 1
When the palace guards at the gate of Cangxing Palace saw so many people coming out of Cangxing Palace, they were overwhelmed with surprise and fainted.

Mu Nuo: "..."

Although it was late, as long as His Majesty the Emperor gave orders, there were still people to do things.

With an order, the palace people quickly found a place for so many people to settle properly.

Of course, this night, it is doomed that no one can sleep peacefully.

For several people in Beidi College, some news still needs time to digest and digest.

Now that I think about it, other academies in Shuiganjing generally emphasize to the freshmen how bad the dark power is when they first enter the school, which is shameful.

However, Beidi College never seemed to have such a rule. Occasionally, some students mentioned the power of darkness and the dean, Dongfang Ganling, heard it. Dongfang Ganling would just laugh it off and would not say anything.

For a long time, they thought that Master believed that they would manage the students well and would not allow students to cultivate the power of darkness, or believed that no student would practice the power of darkness on their own against the world.

However, they did not expect that their master used to cultivate the power of darkness.

After being surprised, the three of Cangwu became even more curious about Dongfang Ganling's past.

The master is the master, and they will not deny this master just because he used to practice the power of darkness. They are just worried that now that the master has lost all his cultivation, they don't know if it is because he used to practice the power of darkness , That's why he was attacked by others, and eventually lost his cultivation.

So, now that the master still appears in front of the world so openly, will the enemies of the master, the enemies who once caused the master to lose his cultivation, come to the door again.

In addition, how should arrangements be made for the next days in Cangqingdi? Could it be that another Beidi Academy will be opened?

Cang Wu and others couldn't sleep all night, mostly because they were worried about Dongfang Ganling.

But obviously, these three people ignored one problem. Dongfang Ganling's cultivation has been lost for many years, but he has also been famous in Shuiganjing and Weiyuntian for so many years. Why must wait until now?
Everyone in the other side of the General's Mansion also couldn't sleep. Although they knew that Mu Nuo was not dead, but after such a long time, what kind of situation has Mu Nuo been in, and what is it like now?

All kinds of rumors and rumors spread by Wei Yuntian are very unbearable, and the common people simply regard Mu Nuo as a sworn enemy.

They just heard a sentence or two by accident, and they all found it very unpleasant, let alone Mu Nuo himself?

Now finally saw Mu Nuo appearing in front of them safe and sound, they were full of worries and things they wanted to say to Mu Nuo, but they still had to wait until dawn the next day.

I went to see the situation of Shuiqianjing and Weiyuntian, even if I just glanced at such a small corner, it was enough to shock Yuchikyung, who has lived in Cangqingdi for more than 20 years, no, it should be said to be Xiao Chen.

And the biggest doubt lingering in Yu Chikyung's mind is about him. From Mu Nuo's words, it is obvious that they are still hiding a secret about him, and this secret is not too small.

(End of this chapter)

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