The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 559 Concentration Not 12

Chapter 559 Concentration varies 2
Feeling the real worry from the old man, Mu Nuo knew that the old man was sincere, "Old man, I am not going to Nanfan Country, I have some things to do here, old man, don't worry, I will be fine."

"Oh, little girl, this place is really..." Before the old man finished speaking, he suddenly lost all consciousness, and H passed out.

Mu Nuo noticed a small hut not far from the lake, presumably it should be the home of the old man, and sent the old man back home before coming to the lake again.

She probably knew what danger the old man was talking about.

This lake is not a real lake, there are various formations around here, and it is supposed to prevent outsiders from entering this lake.

Mu Nuo picked up a small stone from the side, and threw it to the lake not far away with all his strength.

I saw that the small stones fell into the lake, but did not cause any ripples.

The corner of Mu Nuo's mouth raised a slight sneer, she saw very clearly just now, the stone did not fall into the lake but did not cause ripples, but the stone was torn apart by some kind of force when it was about to touch the lake surface , not even the powder left.

It seemed that if someone accidentally stepped on the surface of the lake, they would be blasted to nothing by this mysterious force just like this pebble.

It was also because of this that when the old man's eyes touched the lake, he felt so frightened.

Mu Nuo was not in a hurry to do something, but stood there and carefully observed the surrounding environment.

During tea time, the sneer on the corner of Mu Nuo's mouth deepened, and at the same time, a bit more contemptuous.

But so.

A black light suddenly appeared in the hand, and the next moment, the black light suddenly rushed to the sky above the lake like a beam of light.

However, when the black light came to the edge of the lake, it seemed to be blocked, and the original columnar black light suddenly became emitted.

Sure enough, there is an enchantment around the lake.

Ordinary people can't see the enchantment, and this enchantment will not stop ordinary people halfway.

No, it's not that ordinary people are not blocked.

What I saw in front of me was a lake, but in fact it was the mountain peak that Dongfang Ganling said. However, whether it is a lake or a mountain peak, it is not a fiction, but a real existence. As for how this is done, it is not Mu Nuo's thoughts at this time.

For ordinary people, the enchantment will send ordinary people directly to the lake and kill them, but once they meet a powerful practitioner, this enchantment will appear, just like the situation before them.

I saw that the black aura had spread all over the enchantment in front of me.

And the black power of nature emitted from Mu Nuo's hand suddenly had a trace of red light, and the red light was mixed with the black aura, like a cautious stowaway.

However, before the red aura came to the enchantment, the moment it touched the enchantment, the light suddenly burst out, and after the red light appeared, the black light became even more grand.

Then, a crisp cracking sound resounded in all directions.

Mu Nuo withdrew his spiritual power, and the lake in front of him, like a piece of drawing paper, was torn apart from the middle by someone. As the "drawing paper" was torn apart, a dark mountain peak gradually appeared in front of him.

The darkness of the mountain peak in front of him is similar to that of Mo Lin in the blue sky, and the mountain peak in front of him is even darker than Mo Lin.

When the mountain peak was completely presented in front of Mu Nuo, Mu Nuo slowly walked towards the mountain peak ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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