Chapter 568 Natural Spirit 3
Cangqingdi is the place with the lowest concentration of natural forces among the three continents. There is no other natural force as an interference. It is naturally much easier for dark forces to spread throughout Cangqingdi.

Moreover, without the interference of other natural forces, there will only be a natural force of darkness in Cangqingdi.

However, the concentration of the natural power of Shuiganjing and Weiyuntian is much richer than that of Cangqingdi, and the components are more complex.

If the other two continents want to have only the power of darkness like the blue bottom, they must first get rid of other natural forces. This is why if the dark power is to spread all over the water like the blue bottom In the dry environment, nine times more three grasses are needed than in the green ground.

Suddenly, something wrong surfaced in Mu Nuo's heart, and his eyes slowly turned to the small dark body with some scrutiny.

I saw that after An An met Mu Nuo's gaze, her small body began to twitch, and she slowly pushed back, a suspicious blush appeared on her pink cheeks.

"Respect... what is the lord doing looking at An An like this? I... I will be shy..." After speaking, An An twisted her body again.

this gesture...

Mu Nuo immediately shuddered.

You are a kid who looks less than three years old, why don't you show such a shy look, besides, you are a boy, not a little girl!

Just when Mu Nuo was feeling chills from An An's posture, a black shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and the next moment, Xuanhuang and An An disappeared from the same place at the same time.

Mu Nuo glanced at She Hua who was still standing beside him with some doubts, and she saw that She Hua said to Mu Nuo very calmly: "Please rest assured, master, that kid will not do anything, Xuanhuang will not hurt him. "

What She Hua said made Mu Nuo immediately understand what She Hua meant.

It seems that Xuanhuang finally couldn't bear the abnormal An An, and took An An directly to teach her a good lesson.

However, Mu Nuo didn't quite understand. Since An An is a natural elf in charge of the power of darkness, his strength is indescribable. Although Xuanhuang is powerful, he still needs to rely on the power of darkness to survive. Why is he not afraid at all?

"How about An An's strength? How about Xuan Huang?" Mu Nuo asked She Hua.

"Master, An An is actually not aggressive at all, and his temper is not considered smart, so it is common to be bullied. However, under normal circumstances, even if he is bullied, it is only secretly found by himself." She Hua He said slowly, and then continued: "Although An An is a natural elf, and even though she is in charge of the dark power in the world, An An is actually just helping to control it, not a natural elf born with a long life.

In other words, there are no natural spirits born in this world, all are ordered by people. "

In short, is Xuanhuang stronger?

At least, An An is actually not aggressive.

Not aggressive?What was it just now?
"These are all unconscious actions, not intentional attacks. Natural elves generally don't understand what an attack is." Shehua added.

Mu Nuo: "..."

That kind of lethality just now, that kind of phantom array, were all secretly and unconsciously done?If it is secretly and consciously attacking, how terrible the attack power will be?
After talking with Shehua for a moment, Xuanhuang and An An, who had just disappeared, reappeared in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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