The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 579 No Contrast, No Harm 2

Chapter 579 No Contrast, No Harm 2
They were shocked just now, but they were also envious.

Who doesn't want a better life, but because they hate and don't want to practice, they have led to the current situation?
"People in Shuigan Realm also cultivate, but they spend more time fighting among themselves than people in Wei Yuntian, so they only know how to cultivate, but they are not good at it." Mu Nuo added.

After repeated comparisons and blows, when the common people hear Mu Nuo's words at this time, they will not only feel guilty, but feel inferior and ashamed.

Almost all the people present fell into silent reflection, but, unfortunately, there were a few exceptions.

"The Empress Dowager's set is really beautiful. Look, it scares the people so much that they want to find a crack in the ground." Standing in a certain corner, Yi Feng folded her hands, with a smile on her face. , said to Yi An beside him.

"I don't want to understand, they deserve to be bullied by the empress." Yi An said with a bit of disdain.

In terms of diligence in cultivation, in fact, the Shuigan state is not much worse than that of Wei Yuntian. What really determines the difference is the concentration of natural forces and natural conditions in the two places.

The most important reason why people in Cangqingdi don't practice is that Cangqingdi doesn't have enough spiritual power.

Without even the most basic elements, how can a person with a dark blue background practice cultivation?
As for the clothes, if you want to be gorgeous, you must have the corresponding materials.

Make bricks without straw.

Naturally, at this time, they will never dismantle their queen's platform.

Seeing that everyone had lowered their heads in shame, Mu Nuo raised an imperceptible smile, and continued to attack calmly: "Now, Wei Yuntian has been invaded|occupied by a force called Yinzong. Above all, not only Wei Yuntian, but Yinzong's current influence has spread all over Shuiqian Realm, with Yinzong's ambition, it is uncertain when it will be Cangqingdi's turn."

Mu Nuo's words made all the people with their heads down suddenly raise their heads.

Also... come to their blue bottom.

My God, if the forces that can occupy the Weiyuntian and Shuigan realms come to Cangqingdi, will they still have a way out?
With their situation, how can they resist such a powerful force?
Hearing Mu Nuo's words, Yi'an couldn't help but frowned slightly: "Although the Yinzong has great ambitions, the Cangqingdi Yinzong may not be able to be admired. If the Queen says this, will the Cangqingdi Yinzong Have the guts of those people been frightened? That would be counterproductive."

Compared to Yi An's faint worry, Yi Feng is very calm: "Your queen is measured, do you look at the eyes of those common people, do they seem to be overly frightened?"

Yi An heard the words and looked at the eyes of the onlookers, those fearful eyes were like meat on a chopping board, isn't it about to be frightened?

"Don't worry, the Empress must have another move." Yi Feng still said calmly.

What's more, if there is no sense of crisis, just the huge difference in comparison may not necessarily motivate countries to work hard. After all, the gap between Cangqingdi, Shuiqianjing, and Weiyuntian is not so large, nor is it a day or two. Things have happened, and some people may think that, anyway, life is pretty good now, so why spend so much effort to change the current life.

The big deal is that I won't learn more about Shuiganjing and Weiyuntian in the future, so that there will be no comparison, and there will be no harm if there is no comparison.

(End of this chapter)

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