Chapter 590
"Hmm." Time is urgent, this is not an excuse to deal with the emperors of various countries, but a fact.

The longer the time dragged on, the harder it would be to deal with Yinzong.

God knows, when they are ready, what will the strength of Yinzong have developed?

What's more, they not only need to improve Cang Qingdi's overall strength, but their own strength also needs to be improved.

But as soon as he returned to the palace, the palace servant said to Mu Nuo: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty has a request."

When Mu Nuo heard what the palace man said, he couldn't help but be suspicious: "I just came back from the imperial study."

When Mu Nuo came back from the imperial study, not many people knew about it.

When the palace man heard Mu Nuo's words, his face stiffened for a while, and then he continued to bite the bullet and said to Mu Nuo: "This... slaves don't know, this is what His Majesty ordered to pass on, and ordered Niang Niang to go to Cuiming Palace .”

"Cui Ming Palace?" The name of this palace is unfamiliar.

"Yes." The palace man lowered his head even lower.

Mu Nuo thought for a while, and said, "I know, take me with you."

"Yes." Once again, the palace servants stopped talking, and lowered their heads obediently, and took Mu Nuo to Cuiming Palace.

Cuiming Palace, a palace located in a remote place, should have been a very exquisite palace according to its layout, but obviously it has not been inhabited for many years, and it is now deserted.

"Are you sure it's here?" Mu Nuo asked with a slight frown.

"Yes, my lady, please." The palace man replied nonchalantly.

Mu Nuo stepped into the hall as if he no longer doubted anything else.

As soon as Mu Nuo entered the main hall, the palace people who had already ambushed on both sides immediately closed the palace door and locked it with a lock. The speed was as fast as if it had been rehearsed thousands of times.

Hearing the palace man lock it, Mu Nuo was not in a hurry, but looked at what happened in front of him coldly.

"Queen." A deep voice suddenly came from one side.

Mu Nuo turned around and saw that it was Yi Qing.

After thinking about it, Mu Nuo understood the intention of the person behind the palace man.

"I beg your empress to forgive me, on that day, I should have dealt with that person directly." Yi Qing knelt down to Mu Nuo to plead guilty.

"Get up, it's my idea not to deal with her." Mu Nuo said lightly.

While speaking, a faint fragrance permeated the palace.

After careful identification, Mu Nuo snorted coldly: "It's really a clumsy method."

"Big Red." Mu Nuo called softly.

As soon as the words fell, Dahong appeared in front of Mu Nuo in the shape of a rose.

"Master, you don't want me to eat these unpleasant smells, do you?" Mu Nuo could already imagine that if Dahong appeared in human form, his eyebrows would be frowned at this moment.

"Yeah." Mu Nuo nodded slightly.

"Master, in fact, I can use my own fragrance to cover up the smell here, so that the unpleasant smell will not cause any harm to the master." Da Hong struggled and said.

Mu Nuo refused indifferently: "Your smell, do you want to attract all the butterflies and bees in a radius of a hundred miles?"

The fragrance that the big red can emit, that smell, is unique in the world.

"Master..." Dahong called out aggrievedly.

"People are coming, don't talk nonsense." Mu Nuo's tone suddenly turned a little cold.

Dahong didn't dare to tweak it any more, she simply inhaled all the scents here, without leaving any traces.

(End of this chapter)

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