The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 597 Why I Want To Help You 1

Chapter 597 Why I Want To Help You 1
The jade pendant is the best mutton fat jade. It is a rare and rare treasure. The value of this little thing is almost worth a city. No wonder Concubine Ming took out this jade pendant just now Sometimes, it will be so painful.

Although the chief eunuch usually accepts bribes from some concubines or eunuchs and maids of the harem, they are all insignificant things, harmless, at most, the probability of "coincidentally meeting" concubines on the road passed by the emperor will be higher.

When he got the high-quality mutton fat jade, the chief eunuch also flashed a bright light in his eyes, but then, the chief eunuch firmly put the jade back into the hands of Concubine Ming.

It's not that the emperor doesn't know about accepting bribes at ordinary times, it's just that they are small things, so the emperor just turns a blind eye to them.

However, this time the incident involved the concubine Concubine Shu, whom the emperor puts on top of his heart. Even if he was given a mountain of gold and silver, he would not dare to accept it. If he wants gold and silver wealth, he must have this life to enjoy it. Okay.

If the emperor found out that he had accepted the bribe from Concubine Ming, then if the emperor became angry, even if he had ten heads, it would not be enough for him to chop off.

The chief eunuch said with a look of disgust and sarcasm: "My concubine Ming, the slave is just a slave, so the concubine Ming should keep such a good thing for herself, otherwise, I am afraid that the concubine Ming will never see it again after she leaves the palace. Such a good thing."

At the end of the day, she was about to be ridiculed by the chief eunuch again, and Concubine Ming felt that the anger in her heart was almost toasting her.

Just when Concubine Ming wanted to say something more, Concubine Ming kept staring at the gate of the palace, and finally opened it slowly.

It was Mu Nuo and Yu Chikyong who came out.

Although the two of them didn't hold each other, they just held small hands, but it gave people a sweetness that seemed to be transferred into a honey pot.

This kind of feeling made Concubine Ming very envious, and at the same time, she was also full of jealousy towards Mu Nuo.

How could this woman be so favored by the emperor, even, for her sake, so many people in the harem were driven out of the palace.

However, no matter how dissatisfied he was in his heart, in the end, he hid all his thoughts in his eyes, and bowed respectfully to Mu Nuo and Yu Chikyung.

"The concubine sees the emperor, concubine Shu."

"Don't be too busy. You must go back to Huanlong Palace before dinner, otherwise I don't mind picking you up in person, you know?" Yu Chikyung looked at Mu Nuo , said affectionately.

It looks like a folk husband who is about to go out to work, and the wife is reluctant to part with her beloved husband.

But, now, the role seems to be reversed.

The corners of Mu Nuo's mouth twitched when he heard this, "I'm just going to the dean's place."

Now Dongfang Ganling and others are still living in the imperial palace for the time being, not too far from Yuchikyung's Huanlong Palace, so why does Yuchikyung show such a worried look?

"Actually, I don't mind at all if you invite them to the Huanlong Palace or the Imperial Study Room to discuss matters, so that you don't have to go so hard to find them." Yu Chikyung said with a bit of reluctance, but also a bit of dissatisfaction.

He could already foresee that the following days would be like this, he and Mu Nuo would have endless things to do, and there was not much time to see Mu Nuo in a day.

(End of this chapter)

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