The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 612 Sovereign, something is wrong 4

Chapter 612 Sovereign, something is wrong 4
"Sovereign, suzerain, something is wrong!" I saw a man wearing a servant's costume running towards him yelling in a panic.

Hearing this man's voice, everyone present couldn't help but take a deep breath. They knew that Murong Chengyuan was climbing the Holy Heaven Altar. At this time, the most important thing is to be quiet, and the most taboo thing is to yell suddenly.

Murong Chengyuan's expression of anticipation and joy turned gloomy in an instant.

Which blind thing is it that dares to come and disturb at such a time.

Protector Bai seemed to sense Murong Chengyuan's anger from above, before Murong Chengyuan could speak, Protector Bai directly covered the man's mouth and dragged the man aside.

Murong Chengyuan didn't seem to be disturbed by this episode, and continued to walk steadily up.

The closer he was to the top of the Holy Heaven Altar, the more excited Murong Chengyuan's heart became, and his lips, which had been tightly pressed all the time, involuntarily raised a curve.

When the last fifty steps were left, Murong Chengyuan's heartbeat couldn't help speeding up again.

"Sovereign, suzerain, something is wrong!" Another startled voice broke the tranquility of this party again.

Murong Chengyuan's smile froze at the corner of his mouth in an instant.

What exactly is going on?

When his sacrifice to heaven is over, he will definitely punish these ignorant things!
Protector Bai also had a gloomy face. Similarly, he covered the mouth of the person who came and dragged him down.

However, just as Protector Bai dragged the person down, the same words rang out again, and another person came.

Murong Chengyuan was so angry that the veins at the corners of his eyes were exposed, and his five fingers hidden in his sleeves were clenched into fists.

There are only three things, but these three people...

Wait, wait for him, when the sacrifice to heaven is over, he will definitely let these three people have a good taste of what it means to be enraged by the emperor, laying down millions of corpses!

For these three people, their lives would be worse than death!
Although I hated him in my heart, my footsteps never stopped.

Right now, there are only the last ten steps left.

The last ten steps are the most important ten steps. As long as you can take these ten steps smoothly, then everything that follows will be extremely smooth.

These ten steps are the most critical.

Murong Chengyuan almost held his breath, and concentrated on walking up, but just as he raised his foot, before he stepped on the step firmly, that voice sounded again.

"Suzerain, Suzerain, something is wrong!"

At the last ten steps, not only Murong Chengyuan paid great attention to it, but all the subjects below also watched without blinking how Murong Chengyuan would go in the next ten steps?

Back then, when their king offered sacrifices to heaven for the first time, from the first step to the last 99th step, they all had a casual expression, as if they didn't take it seriously, but they also That's it, the king became the easiest king in history to ascend to the altar of the Holy Heaven.

You know, the last ten steps look no different from the others, but only climbers know that when you climb the last ten steps as a king, every time you climb a step, the atmosphere around you will change drastically. Variety.

Murong Chengyuan obviously knew this, which is why he had to treat the last ten steps with so much caution.

And this sound completely disturbed Murong Chengyuan's attention, and Murong Chengyuan had to be distracted by it.

(End of this chapter)

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