The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 615 Unexpectedly Can’t Be Killed 3

Chapter 615 Unexpectedly Can’t Be Killed 3
"Did the priest bring it here?" Protector Bai asked gloomyly, angrily.

The guard shuddered, looked up at Guardian Bai cautiously, then immediately lowered his head, and said to Guardian Bai with a bit of fear: "If you answer Guardian Bai, priest...priest..."

"What happened to the priest? Don't tell me that the priest was struck to death by lightning!" Bai Hufa said angrily.

", lord priest has escaped." After the guard finished speaking, his head drooped lower and lower, as if he wished to bury his head in the soil.

When Protector Bai heard the guard's words, he immediately laughed angrily: "What did you say, the priest escaped?"

"If you reply to Protector Bai, yes... yes..."

"When did it happen?" When Protector Bai was too angry to speak, Protector Black was calmer than Protector Bai, and asked the guard in a low voice.

The guard swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and explained bravely: "According to...according to the people in the priest's hall, the priest left the priest's hall yesterday afternoon, and has never returned since then."

"I understand, you go away first." Hei Hufa said expressionlessly.

"Thank you Hei Protector." The guard said gratefully to Hei Protector, and then retreated with a touch of gratitude in his heart.

However, as soon as he turned around, he felt a burst of pain all over his body, and then he lost his breath.

"Why do you need to kill him?" Looking at the white protector who shot, the black protector said calmly.

He had no intention of killing the little guard just now, but that didn't mean he would say nothing about the guardian just because of the death of a little guard.

"Is this incident too coincidental?" Although Guardian Bai was angry in his heart, after all, he had worked as a guardian for so many years, so he still had some material.

"I also think there should be someone behind the priest." The black protector agreed with the white protector.

Although the priest's status in the hidden sect is not low, a small priest does not have the guts to murder the suzerain.

Moreover, if the priest really had this idea, then he should have made full preparations before doing something, instead of running away with a guilty conscience after finishing this thing.

One must know that Murong Chengyuan's life and death are unknown at this time, which is the best time to make a move.

The priest did not choose to make a move at this time, but chose to leave, which can explain certain problems in itself.

"Could it be someone from Jingshui God Realm?" Protector Bai guessed right away.

If there is anyone who most hopes that something will happen to Murong Chengyuan, then it must be the people from Jingshui God Realm, or in other words, those few people.

"It's very possible." The black protector agreed with the white protector.

However, after saying this, the faces of the two of them changed one after another. If they were really from the Jingshui God Realm, they were able to leave the Jingshui God Realm quietly at the beginning, and now they can play tricks on their suzerain like a ghost.

Well, now that their suzerain is dying, will the people of Mirror Water God Realm let this opportunity go?

Won't!of course not!
The black and white protectors hurried back to the hall, only to see that the doctors were still doing their best to treat Murong Chengyuan.

Seeing this, the two were relieved.

"I don't know the guardian, but what do you want to tell me?" A doctor looked at the black and white guardian who suddenly came in again, and asked suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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