The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 620 Who Helped Them 4

Chapter 620 Who Helped Them 4
Their lord has paid so much for Jingshui Shenyu in these years, but at the critical moment, no one can use their brains to think about it, and they are all led away by Yinzong. Now they know the truth and know who is in charge of them now. In fact, he is not a good person, so he starts thinking about the king and queen?
These people, should we say that they are simple, or should we say that they have no brains?

It's too late to confess now!
Although I am very disdainful and dissatisfied with the common people's behavior like grass on the wall, but in the end, they are still the subjects of the emperor and queen, no matter how much dissatisfaction Yi Feng has in his heart, he can only I scolded myself in my heart, there was too much, and there was nothing I could do.

While the people's confessions were flying all over the sky, Yinzong was not completely helpless.

The counterattack given by Yinzong is still about Mu Nuo's cultivation of dark power.

However, Yinzong's counterattack was far from the effect they expected.

The voice from who knows where it came from actually took out an ancient book about the power of darkness, which stated why the power of darkness was abandoned by the world back then, and why the power of darkness that was once brilliant became the world's deepest love. A force of nature that feels pain and aversion.

This ancient book was passed on to ten, ten to a hundred, more and more copies appeared, and more and more people knew everything about the dark power.

At the same time, several voices appeared, pointing out that some holy medicines that can cure diseases are actually dark-type herbal medicines.

The dark-type monsters in Mo Lin are more loyal and friendly than ordinary monsters.

Several voices uttered at the same time, almost forcibly brainwashing the people of Wei Yuntian in a very short period of time.

It turns out that the power of darkness is the strongest force of nature.

It turns out that being able to cultivate the power of darkness is a genius with a real talent.

It turns out that the power of darkness is the same as the general force of nature, and will not harm itself.

It turns out that so many rare herbs they use are also of the dark type.

It turns out that the monsters of the dark department are so friendly and cute.



It turns out that it has always been their prejudice, their stupidity.

If their empress really cultivated the power of darkness, then not only is their empress not a traitor from the mainland, but on the contrary, she is still a rare first-class genius in the world. Her strength is so strong that she is a perfect match for her king. .


However, even if they know it now, what's the use? Their kings and queens have already used their mere physical bodies to resist them in order not to be affected by the volcano.

When all the people were angry at their stupidity and missed the "dead" king very much, they didn't know that their king had returned to the Jingshui God Realm.

And Yu Chikyung, who had returned to Jingshui God Realm, was standing in the hall of the National Teacher's Mansion with a gloomy face at this time, with low air pressure all over his body.

"Your Majesty, don't be angry. Your Majesty didn't know that you would come to Wei Yuntian so soon, so she chose to retreat. Moreover, Your Majesty should be happy to advance, right?" Yi Feng looked at the standing In the hall, Yu Chikyung, who kept making air-conditioning, bit the bullet and replied cautiously.

Hearing Yi Feng's answer, Yu Chikyung snorted coldly, and then sat down on the main seat.

The servants immediately served the tea with a wink.

(End of this chapter)

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