Chapter 629 Underworld 1
"What do you want?" Yu Chikyung asked impatiently.

Why didn't he think of a good pattern?

"Your Majesty, the Empress has left the customs early." Yi Feng said in a hurry.

"Really?" Hearing this news, the impatience on Yu Chikyung's face immediately disappeared, replaced by a look of excitement, and immediately got up and planned to go to the National Teacher's Mansion.

"Your Majesty, wait a moment, the Empress has already left the Imperial Teacher's Mansion." Yi Feng said again.

"Then does she want to go back to the palace or to the Mu Mansion?" Yu Chikyung asked.

"Neither...none." Yi Feng said with a bit of entanglement.

Hearing this, Yu Chikyung couldn't help but lose two points of excitement, and asked in a low voice, "Where did Mu Mu go?"

" the underworld..." Yi Feng said weakly.

"Underworld?" Yu Chikyung frowned and asked, "Where is that place?"

"Sub... this subordinate doesn't know either, the national teacher should know a thing or two, your majesty, you might as well ask the national teacher." Yi Feng said bravely.

He seems to have seen it somewhere, it seems that as long as a person dies, he will go to the underworld.

In short, the underworld is where the dead stay.

Why did the queen go to those places?
"The underworld is what you call the underworld." Tian Ye's voice sounded slowly.

Yu Chikyung's face immediately changed when he heard the words, "Why did Mumu go to that kind of place? Could it be... Mumu..."

"No, although people will go to the underworld when they die, but they are all passive. Mu Nuo's situation is different. When Mu Nuo went to the underworld, you can understand that Mu Nuo just went to a place for fun." Tian Ye Said calmly.

Tianye said it easily, but for Yu Chikyung, his heart was hanging and he couldn't calm down. "Then Mumu, why did you go there? Can she come back?"

"Of course she will come back. As for why she went to the underworld, it seems that something happened to her spirit flower called 'Shehua' when Mu Nuo advanced. Therefore, Mu Nuo needs to go to the underworld to find a solution. "Tianye explained, seeming to understand Yu Chikyung's doubts, Tianye added:
"If Mu Nuo's flower is called 'Shehua', the real body is a Manjusawa plant. According to legend, Manjusawa grows on both sides of Huangquan Road, and the underworld is the place where Manjusawa grows. Therefore, if Mu Nuo wants to To save her flower, you can only go to the underworld."

"She...will she be in danger?" Yu Chikyung asked tremblingly.

"Don't worry, although there was a little accident, Mu Nuo has successfully advanced, and the reason why it took her so long is because she directly surpassed the early stage of the spiritual stage this time, and directly advanced To the strength of the mid-spiritual stage." Tian Ye comforted.

However, Tianye's words did not reassure Yu Chikyung.

The underworld is a completely strange place. The strength they are proud of, they don't know what will happen if they are placed in a strange place.

What's more, Mu Nuo is the only one.

No, no, he can't let Mu Nuo go to the underworld alone.

The underworld, the realm of death.

"I'm going to the underworld too." Yu Chikyung looked at Tian Ye and said firmly.

Although Yu Chikyung's reaction was within Tianye's expectation, when he heard this from Yuchikyung's mouth, the smile on Tianye's face still restrained a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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