Chapter 633 Taking Pass 1
You have also seen that these cities look pretty good, but compared to other cities in the underworld, they are remote and remote. Therefore, in order to enter better and more prosperous cities, you must pass these passes. "The man explained to Mu Nuo patiently.

Hearing this, Mu Nuo looked up at the few signs in the hands of the man standing on the table, and frowned slightly: "Are there only so few passes issued this time?"

The pass in the hands of the man standing on the table is estimated to be only five.

The man also sighed helplessly when he heard the words, and said: "The entire underworld doesn't know how many fringe cities like ours are. Every city will be issued a pass every month, and once a city can enter the upper level city. That's only five."

So that's why, when the man said to assign a number, everyone rushed up so frantically.

If you can't grab the five places this time, then you have to wait another month, and even if you wait another month, you may not be able to grab the places to enter the upper-level city.

Many of the people around here have been in this city for several years, and even gave up struggling, and simply stayed in this fringe city, doing some small business to maintain their daily life.

"How can I get this pass?" Mu Nuo continued to ask.

"It's really hard to say, sometimes, it's very casual, throw the pass casually, whoever grabs it, and sometimes, there are many assessments, the difficulty of the assessment, almost no one can pass , the way to obtain a pass is different every time, so no one can say for sure what the standard for obtaining a pass is." After speaking, the man sighed heavily again.

Because of such variability, even though he had been in this small town for a year, he still couldn't figure out how to get a pass.

Newcomers who come to the underworld usually can get a pass in the fastest three months and enter a higher-level city smoothly. Has been wandering in this small city.

Mu Nuo: "..."

It seems to be such an important pass, but the standard of distribution is so casual?

"With our strength, can we directly enter the city at the next level?" Mu Nuo couldn't help asking Xuanhuang in a low voice.

"It can be broken by force, but it is estimated that it will become the public enemy of the entire underworld." Xuanhuang said indifferently.

Mu Nuo: "..."

She doesn't know anything about the underworld, and now she came to the underworld to find a way to cure Shehua. If she just came to the underworld and became the public enemy of the entire underworld, then don't expect others to go to the underworld to treat her. Sheva.

Forget it, she'd better obediently grab that pass.

"Listen up, everyone. It's very easy to get the passes this time. Later, I will hide the five passes in any five corners of the restaurant behind me. As long as anyone can find them, the passes will be theirs. "

After listening to the man's words, the people around were all gearing up, ready to rush into the restaurant to snatch the pass at any time.

Mu Nuo was silent, and only hoped that the restaurant would be strong enough.

(End of this chapter)

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