The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 650 Shouldn't be 2

Chapter 650 Shouldn't be 2
Does she disdain to see this side of him, does she think he is childish?

Ming Siye suddenly became depressed.

Seeing Ming Siye's deflated appearance, Yinrui couldn't help chuckling twice.

Hearing Yinrui's chuckle, Ming Siye immediately stared at him.

Ming Siye asked Mu Nuo with some puzzlement and depression, "Did you know my identity early on?"

If not, why was Mu Nuo still so calm when he heard the guards outside paying homage to him just now.

"I haven't guessed it before." Mu Nuo replied lightly.

I haven't guessed it before, that's because she doesn't care what Ming Siye's identity is, she came to the underworld with only one purpose, as long as she can save Shehua well, then she doesn't care about the rest of the things idea.

"Then why are you still so calm?" Ming Siye was annoyed.

He never told Mu Nuo his identity, he just wanted to show off to Mu Nuo when he returned to Nether City, but he never expected that Mu Nuo could be so calm after hearing his identity .

"How about the prince? What about the common people?" Mu Nuo asked quietly.

In her view, no matter how powerful you are, as long as you don't hinder her, you are just a passerby to her.

Ming Siye froze when he heard the words: "..."

Yinrui couldn't help but look a little surprised at Mu Nuo.

The gap between a prince and a commoner is not so big.

Does she know, if she can win Ming Siye's favor, or make Ming Siye fall in love with her, what will she get?
That is a monstrous power at your fingertips!

With Ming Siye's temperament, if Ming Siye really fell in love with him, Ming Siye would never care what the old men in the court said, and would make Mu Nuo his princess and future queen.

Queen of the Underworld, that's a place where one person is under one person and above ten thousand people in the underworld. There are many noble women in the underworld crying and shouting to enter the harem of Ming Siye.

"I said, I won't stay in the underworld any longer." Seeing the surprise of the two, Mu Nuo patiently explained.

Hearing this, the expression on Ming Siye's face suddenly became very strange.

Lost?not happy?

why?It's not that he likes her. Apart from her good looks, she doesn't look like a woman at all, and her strength is so strong that a woman should not have it at all.

How could he like a woman who didn't look like a woman? Since she didn't like her, she said she was leaving, so why was he unhappy?

"Okay, okay, you came to the underworld just for your spirit beast, my highness knows it." The complicated emotions in his heart made the attitude of Ming Siye towards Mu Nuo a little more strange.

Mu Nuo didn't have the heart to care about Ming Siye's strangeness.

After saying this, until entering the Nether Palace, there was an eerie silence in the carriage.

After getting off the carriage, Ming Siye seemed to realize that what he said just now was wrong, and said awkwardly to Mu Nuo: "Are...are you tired? Do you want to rest first, or go directly to the flower field?"

After asking this question, Ming Siye couldn't help feeling a sense of anticipation and nervousness.

"Go directly to the flower field." Mu Nuo said very simply.

It didn't take long to go from the fourth-level city to the first-level city, and it could be reached quickly with magic. However, to go from the first-level city to the city of the underworld, you need to use primitive tools such as horse-drawn carriages.

(End of this chapter)

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