Chapter 656 Provocation 4
Seeing the small movements of the ladies, Mu Nuo snorted coldly: "If the strength is not as good as mine, using this method will only backfire."

The noble ladies: "..."

"Ahem, Mu Nuo, why don't you just let them go, after all, they are just little girls." Ming Siye glanced at the flushed ladies, and couldn't help pleading for them.

Mu Nuo agreed very straightforwardly: "Yes, as long as they can guarantee that they will not come to harass me again, or, I can find a place to stay outside the city."

Upon hearing that Mu Nuo was about to leave the Nether Palace, Ming Siye immediately said: "No, there is no place outside the palace where you can live comfortably inside the palace. Don't worry, since you don't want them to disturb you, then I will get them all right away." Just drive away."

Before removing the aura around him, Mu Nuo glanced at Ming Siye indifferently, and said, "I hope that such a thing will never happen again."

Don't think that she doesn't know that this group of people can reach the gate of her palace so smoothly, even if Ming Siye didn't instigate it, Ming Siye must have silently condoned it.

Otherwise, the daughters of a group of ministers can wander around in the underworld?
"All right, all right, I assure you, I will never let them disturb your cleanliness again." Ming Siye said hastily.

Only then did Mu Nuo satisfactorily suppress the aura around him.

After regaining their freedom, the pampered and pampered ladies all collapsed on the ground, and then hurriedly left under the signal of the palace servants.

Only Miss Qin still held some reluctance, and called out aggrievedly: "Cousin..."

Ming Siye frowned slightly when he heard the words: "There is a clear distinction between superiority and inferiority, no matter who is before or after, you should respectfully address my Highness as 'His Royal Highness'."

The indifferent tone was very different from Miss Qin's barrier.

"You... woo woo..." Miss Qin left crying immediately after hearing Ming Siye's distant words.

Seeing that Miss Qin had finally left, Ming Siye let out a long sigh of relief.

"Your Highness, the moves you use to block peach blossoms are really nothing new." Mu Nuo said softly.

"Between you and me, there's no need to be so far-fetched, it would seem too natural." Hearing Mu Nuo's address to him, Ming Siye said immediately.

Mu Nuo: "..."

As Ming Siye's cousin, Miss Qin has a certain blood relationship, but Ming Siye has to be so clearly separated from her.

As for the two of them, it seems that they have only known each other for two days, when did they become so familiar.

"You don't know, these women are really annoying, and I really have no other choice." Ming Siye said helplessly.

Mu Nuo glanced faintly at Ming Siye: "Since you are His Royal Highness, you will inherit the position of Pluto in the future, and you must be the three thousand beauties in the harem, so there is nothing to be surprised about."

Hearing Mu Nuo's words, Ming Siye immediately retorted: "Whoever said that becoming the King of Pluto must have three thousand beauties in the harem, and my father and king only have my mother and queen, and there are no other concubines."

Mu Nuo was somewhat surprised by Ming Siye's words.

She did not expect that the king of Hades, the king of the world, had only the queen.

What the emperor of the human world can't do, the Pluto, whose lifespan seems endless, can be so loyal to one person all year round.

"Are you interested in becoming No.1 in my harem? I can also guarantee that you will become the only queen." Ming Siye suddenly asked Mu Nuo.

(End of this chapter)

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