Chapter 663 Her Identity 3
"If the girl wants to recover Shehua, the only way is to go to the Demon Realm. In fact, Manjusawa flower fields are not only found in the Underworld. The best Manjusawa flower fields in this world are actually in the Demon Realm. Shehua, It is the flower field of manjusawa from the demon world."

As Pluto mentioned the devil world more often, the aura around Xuanhuang became colder and colder.

Seeing this, Pluto couldn't help sighing, and said to Xuanhuang: "You don't have to be so angry, I have a reason for saying this, why do you think I came back so quickly, it's not because of you guys The underworld has already been discovered by that person, and he is probably about to go to the underworld. Do you think that when he came to the underworld, when he appeared in front of Miss Mu, you have been hiding things for so many years, can you continue to hide it? ?”

"What did you say?" Hearing Pluto's words, the icy aura lingering around Xuanhuang finally disintegrated.

"It's just like what I said, I knew of your existence because I sensed that he was coming to the underworld, and that's why I came back in such a hurry." Pluto said with a soft sigh.

Afterwards, Pluto glanced at Mu Nuo and said to Xuanhuang: "Actually, you don't have to worry so much. Your master's current strength already has a certain ability to bear it. Perhaps, you can try to tell the past and tell me about it." Let your master know, otherwise when he comes, with his dominance and madness, your master will only suffer even more."

Hearing this, Xuanhuang suddenly fell into silence.

"You guys, what are you talking about, and who is that person?" Listening to the words of Xuanhuang and Pluto, Mu Nuo felt that he should be in the middle of the game, but he seemed like an outsider.

"If the girl wants to know, Xuanhuang will tell you everything. In fact, Xuanhuang knows a lot more about the past than I do." Pluto said softly. After speaking, Pluto stood up and said to Xuanhuang: "If you want to tell her something, you'd better be quick, otherwise, at his speed, God knows when he will arrive, I can only stop you for a quarter of an hour at most."

Xuanhuang: "..."

After saying that, Pluto left the palace, and when he left the palace, Pluto also set up an enchantment around the palace.

"This enchantment can't stop him for a long time, you should seize the time." After leaving, Pluto's words floated in the air.

After Pluto left, Mu Nuo set his eyes on Xuanhuang, waiting for Xuanhuang's next words.

Xiaobai, Dahong, and Huanyuan simply stopped staying in the space, and all ran out, waiting for Xuanhuang's next words.

Xuanhuang sighed softly, and slowly said to Mu Nuo: "Master, in fact, Mu Nuo is just a part of your reincarnation status. Before you fell into the way of reincarnation, you were the king of the demon god who was respected alongside the creator god."

Xiaobai, Dahong and Huanyuan couldn't help opening their mouths wide open in a short speech.

"Master, your real name is not 'Munuo', but 'Yuxi'." Xuanhuang continued.

The word Yuxi is very unfamiliar to Xiaobai and Dahong, but to Huanyuan, it is indeed like thunder, and he looks at Mu Nuo with a stiff head.

For Huanyuan, the word Yuxi is even more shocking to it.

(End of this chapter)

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