The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 666 Who Can Do Nothing To Get The Night Emperor 2

Chapter 666 Who Can Do Nothing To Get The Night Emperor 2
"You..." Hearing the contempt in Yuchikyung's words, Murong Yu'er was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"Is there no one in your Yinzong, you are so ugly, you have the nerve to photograph it as a facade?" Yi An couldn't help laughing at the side.

Hearing Jun'an's words, Murong Yu'er was so angry that the waves in her chest were rolling violently.

However, to everyone's surprise, after hearing this sentence, the anger on Murong Yu'er's face suddenly disappeared, and she lightly applied the gauze that was not able to cover much of the place, directly towards her. Pulling down, he walked slowly in front of Jun'an: "Men, I understand best, they are all duplicity things, the more you say that, don't you, the more you want to cover up your so-called reservedness, actually Come on, what do you think in your heart..."

Saying that, Murong Yu'er raised her hand, and wanted to touch Jun'an's face.

When Murong Yu'er was about to touch Jun'an's face, he suddenly reined in the horse and took a step back, the horse seemed to be frightened suddenly, its front hooves were suddenly raised towards Murong Yu'er.

The suddenness of the incident prevented Murong Yu'er from reacting immediately, even though she took two steps back with her skill, the horse's hoof prints stained with mud still landed on Murong Yu'er's white chest On top of that, at the same time, due to Murong Yu'er's sudden retreat, the gauze on her body was already loose, and she had fallen so much before, when Murong Yu'er fell to the ground, the gauze also fell to the ground.

"Oh my god, it's really ugly, I'm going to lose my eyes." When everyone was stunned by Murong Yu'er's shocking body, Yi An suddenly yelled.

Yi'an's yell seemed to startle the steed he was riding on, the steed kept neighing and at the same time, its two front hooves kept moving.

The earthy yellow mud splashed by the turbulent hooves all fell on Murong Yuer's body.
His body was immediately put on a clothes made of mud.

Absolutely all natural.

"Hahahahaha——" Seeing Murong Yu'er's appearance like this, Yi An couldn't help but burst out laughing the first time.

Murong Yu'er, who was originally bad-tempered, quickly darkened after accepting this "big gift" from Jun'an.

Murong Yu'er glared at Jun'an and Yu Chikyung who condoned him doing this, and said harshly: "If you have the ability, you will break the big formation of the guardian sect. My lady is waiting for you to come to the Yin sect!" Murong Yu'er said harshly.

Yuchikyung snorted coldly, and at the same time, the spiritual power in his hand did not hesitate, and aimed at Murong Yu'er with a killing move.

Murong Yu'er seems to be a romantic person, but in fact, according to the information obtained by Jun'an, Yu Chijing knows exactly how deep he hides and how strong he is.

Could it be possible that Murong Yu'er should be sent back to Yinzong in good health?

Yu Chikyung did not show mercy when he made a move. No matter how powerful Murong Yu'er is, compared with Yuchikyung, there is still too much difference.

With one slap, Murong Yu'er has no chance of surviving.

Just when Murong Yu'er thought that he was about to lose his life, a black figure suddenly rushed out, protecting Murong Yu'er in his arms, and met Yu Chikyung's blow with his back.

(End of this chapter)

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