The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 668 Who Can Do Nothing To Get The Night Emperor 4

Chapter 668 Who Can Do Nothing To Get The Night Emperor 4
As if understanding Murong Xihan's doubts, Murong Yu'er explained to Murong Xihan: "It was the gangsters who blocked me."

Murong Yu'er's words were very light, but Murong Xihan could hear the deep anger and hatred contained in Murong Yu'er's words.

Murong Xihan couldn't help being surprised.

He sort of understood why Murong Yu'er was so angry when she came in.

Injuring Murong Yu'er is actually nothing, after all, it is impossible for a martial arts practitioner to be invincible all the time, not to mention, Murong Yu'er's injuries are nothing.

What really made Murong Yu'er angry was that Guardian Hei died because of protecting her.

Others may not know it, but Murong Xihan is very clear. Murong Yu'er seems to love both men and women, and she doesn't care about the world at all. People are always different.

However, Murong Yu'er has always had one person in her heart, that is, the black guardian who has never said anything, no matter who she faces, she always has a cold face.

Only the black protector can really make Murong Yu'er take it seriously, which is why Murong Yu'er's bed partner has changed so many people, but the black protector has never appeared. This is her hope, and someday, the black protector With her in her heart, she threw away all her pets and devoted herself to the black protector.

It's a pity that Hei Hu's Mensao, even though he already had Murong Yu'er's position in his heart, never showed it, and even didn't even have a word with Murong Yu'er.

Until this day appeared, Guardian Hei used his own life to protect Murong Yu'er's Zhouquan.

"Sister, what do you want to do?" Murong Xihan asked Murong Yu'er.

"I want Tianjing to pay the most painful price, I want to torture him to death!" Murong Yu'er gritted her teeth and said.

If at the beginning, she still had a little interest in taking Yu Chikyung into her backyard, then, now, all she can think about is to torture Yuchikyung until she can't survive or die.

"Okay, sister, just wait, I will definitely avenge Guardian Hei." Murong Xihan gently held Murong Yu'er's hand, and said with a touch of reassuring firmness.

Within the Yinzong, Murong Xihan only cared about Murong Yu'er, the elder sister. Others, including his biological father, did not get half of Murong Xihan's eyes. That's why Murong Chengyuan lay down in the Yinzong After so long, Murong Xihan didn't come to help with the diagnosis and treatment.

Murong Xihan took some poison from a side cabinet, and some Gu worms, and left his room.

He wanted to add all of these to the Protectorate Formation.

If the people of Jingshui God Realm want to come in, they must break through the sect-protecting formation, and once they break through the sect-protecting formation, all the things placed in the sect-protecting formation will come out. At that time, no one in Jingshui Shenyu could escape, especially Yu Chikyung.

Murong Xihan didn't notice that in a dark corner beside him, there was a petite figure keeping all this in the depths of his eyes.

After Murong Xihan left, the petite figure came to the barrier at a faster speed and left the barrier.

"Rong Mo'er?" Jun An couldn't help being surprised when he saw the person who suddenly came out of the barrier.

(End of this chapter)

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