Chapter 676
At the same time, on the ground, Yi Qing was not idle either, after Murong Mo'er's words, Yi Qing led a small group of soldiers and disappeared from the spot.

Murong Mo'er also followed.

Seeing the direction Murong Mo'er was heading towards, Murong Yu'er couldn't help being startled.

That is... the direction to the forbidden area!

What is Murong Mo'er going to do?
The old ancestor has practiced for so many years, and for so many years, the old ancestor has been staying in the forbidden area. Murong Yu'er roughly knows what is in the forbidden area.

Murong Mo'er didn't know when he turned to Jingshui God Realm, but no matter when Murong Moer turned against him, if Murong Moer took Yi Qing to touch those things in the forbidden area, then the old ancestor...

Murong Yu'er yelled in her heart that it was not good, she raised her head and wanted to shout at her ancestor, she wanted to tell him that someone was going to enter the forbidden area and she would be disrespectful to him.

However, she just raised her head, and before she had time to tell her ancestors about it, she found that she couldn't move and couldn't speak.

A pair of beautiful pupils suddenly showed panic. Although the whole body could not move, the eyeballs could still move.

Murong Yu'er kept giving Protector Bai a look, wanting him to tell the old ancestor.

However, Yi'an, who had been watching their side all the time, would not give Guardian Bai a chance to speak.

Taking advantage of the fact that Protector Bai's attention was all on Murong Yu'er, Yi An first sealed off Protector Bai's dumb acupoints, and then sealed off the big acupoints all over his body.

In the end, he directly beat Protector Bai to the ground with one palm.

His strength is higher than that of Protector Bai, but not much higher. If he wants to hit Protector Bai severely with one move, he can only sneak attack.

Yi'an didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his sneak attack at all, and he didn't feel that sneak attack was such a shameful thing.

Instead, Yi An walked up to Murong Yu'er and Guardian Bai with a proud face.

"Why do you look so sorry for the common people? I can't help but want to kill people." Yi'an looked at his hands and sighed heavily.

This tone is full of regret.

Whether it is Murong Yu'er or Bai Hufa, not only do they not have the ability to parry, even a movement has become impossible, and speaking is also impossible.

Therefore, the two of them could only stare at Yi'an with their eyes.

It's a pity that the eyes of these two people, to Yi An, are simply... so ugly...

It really affected the mood, a bright light flashed in Jun'an's hand, and then, the eyes of Guardian Bai who were still staring at Jun'an were immediately pulled out by Jun'an.

Needless to say, the pain of being gouged out by someone, but because the acupoints all over his body are sealed by Yi'an, no matter how painful the eyes are, Protector Bai can't move anything.

Yi An thought for a while, just to be on the safe side, he decided to abolish Protector Bai directly.

If Hufa Bai is stimulated by the pain and immediately unblocks that acupuncture point automatically, that would not be a good thing.

The aura in his hand turned into a sharp blade under Yi'an's thought, and with a few random strokes, Yi'an completely destroyed Guardian Bai.

It was also because of Yi'an's foresight, he just cut off the tendons in Bai Hufa's hands and hamstrings, and Bai Hufa really broke through the acupuncture points because of the pain.

(End of this chapter)

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