The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 699 Chatting with the Demon King 3

Chapter 699 Chatting with the Demon King 3
The Demon Emperor gave Ye Ye a blank look: "This Emperor has been coveting the fierce beasts in the Wild Beast Garden all the time, and has not moved, just waiting for Yizhu's words."

Any one of the ferocious beasts imprisoned in the Wild Beast Garden can dominate the small realm. If so many ferocious beasts are all released suddenly, as long as there are two or three of them randomly wandering in the God Realm Jumping around, I'm afraid that day the emperor's head will grow bigger.

"Did Yizhu say when?" The Demon Emperor asked quietly.

"The prince will get married the day after tomorrow. You can give this great gift to the prince of the God Realm on behalf of the righteous master." Ye didn't say it directly. To be precise, Yuxi didn't say the time either. Of course, it is most appropriate to choose a gift on the wedding day.

"Okay, the emperor knows, you can go." The demon emperor rushed away the guests without any politeness.

Faced with Yaohuang's attitude of seeing off the guests, Ye not only didn't get angry, but asked, "Do you need help?"

The Demon Emperor glanced at Ye with some surprise, apparently not believing that the words came from Ye's mouth, "Your temper has changed since the Lord woke up?"

His relationship with Ye is not good, but compared to Ye's relationship with other people, the two of them can be regarded as strong.

"This breath must be stern." The five fingers in Yexiu couldn't help but clenched into fists, and then said: "I don't want you to die in the wild beast garden. If you die, I don't necessarily think I can It can accommodate the demon world."

The demon world and the demon world have been able to live in peace for so many years because of the relationship between the demon emperor and him, and the Yizhu.

"If you're willing, of course I won't refuse." The Demon Emperor still said calmly.

"Then let's go." Ye immediately said as soon as the Yaohuang finished speaking.

The Yaohuang looked at Ye who got up and left, and was taken aback: "So suddenly? You should ask me to explain what's going on behind the scenes first!"

If he accidentally hangs in the wild beast garden, what will happen to his demon world?
"If you die, there is no need for the demon world to exist." Ye Leng said, and then, a wave of spiritual power directly tied the demon emperor and threw him into the god world.

Demon King: "..."

Spirit world……

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty." The palace man called tremblingly.

"What's the matter? Can the Demon Realm reply? Will the Lord come?" The Heavenly Emperor was busy reviewing the memorial, and asked with a bit of contempt in his words.

After all, Venerable Master Yuxi has not shown her strength for many years, so most of the younger generations don't know how terrifying the strength of Venerable Master Yuxi has reached.

Among the emperors of the six realms, the Heavenly Emperor can be regarded as the younger generation.

"Honor... Your lord doesn't seem to respond." The palace man bit the bullet and replied.

The Emperor of Heaven put down the pen in his hand, and looked up at the palace servant below: "What did you say? What is 'seeming'? Where is the emissary I sent out?"

"Your Majesty wants to see him?" the palace man asked cautiously.

The Emperor of Heaven threw a pen directly at the palace man's head: "Can't you hear what I said? I want to see the messenger!"

"Yes." The palace man replied weakly, then turned around and instructed the palace man outside: "Bring... the envoy in."

Hearing the palace man's words, the Heavenly Emperor couldn't help frowning.

Bring it in?
Why is it carried in instead of letting him in.

After the palace people carried the envoy in, the Emperor of Heaven immediately understood why it was carried in.

(End of this chapter)

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