Chapter 705
At the critical moment, Xuanhuang appeared to save Fengwang, Fengwang was saved, but Xuanhuang was also arrested because of this, and threatened to kill him to sacrifice to heaven.

Xuanhuang looked coldly at the hypocrisy of the Phoenix family, what is called bad luck, what is called unknown, but all of them are just crimes committed by those who want to seize the throne.

However, the appearance of the lord Yuxi made the people of the Phoenix clan dare not do anything to Xuanhuang. The lord stayed in the Phoenix clan for 300 years. During the 300 years, Xuanhuang and Phoenix King Growing rapidly, members of the Phoenix family dare not make any comments.

300 years is not long, and it is not short, but it just allows Feng Wang to have the ability that the king of a clan should have.

Xuanhuang didn't want to stay in the Phoenix clan, but willingly became the lord Yuxi's pet beast.

"Master has returned." Xuanhuang said indifferently, ignoring Feng Wang's words.

"Honorable Master is back?" Feng Wang asked in surprise.

As an ancient survivor, the Phoenix Clan seldom participated in the affairs of the Six Realms, so they didn't pay much attention to the affairs of the Six Realms. The Phoenix Clan didn't hear anything about the two incidents that had caused a lot of trouble in the two worlds of gods and demons this year.

"The Queen of Heaven, and her niece, made the Lord very dissatisfied." Xuanhuang looked at Fengwang coldly and said.

"The Queen of Heaven? And her niece? Isn't it the same group that made trouble back then?" Hearing Xuanhuang's words, Feng Wang couldn't help but feel his whole body turn cold.

The family that Tianhou belongs to is said to be one of the most prominent families in the Feng Clan, and it was they who took the initiative to stir up the incident of Xuanhuang's identity back then.

After he came to power, although there was still no way to deal with them for a while, after so many years, even though the Tianhou family still existed, it had changed from a prominent family back then to a small and unknown family.

If it weren't for the support of Tianhou, that family would have been destroyed long ago.

"What is your lord's plan?" Feng Wang asked after thinking about it.

Not to mention Zunzhu Yu's supreme position, just based on his kindness to their family back then, no matter what request Zunzhu Yuxi puts forward, he will definitely satisfy it.

"There is no redemption!" Xuanhuang said coldly.

Feng Wang raised his eyebrows, "I'm afraid this is not the meaning of the Lord."

At any rate, I spent 300 years with the Venerable Master back then, so I still have some understanding of the Venerable Master Yuxi's temperament.

The Lord rarely intervenes in the affairs of the juniors.

"What do you care about so much?" Xuanhuang gave Feng Wang a cold look.

King Feng paused immediately when he heard the words: "Although I seldom pay attention to external affairs, Tianhou still has her niece, the future princess, if there is trouble, it will definitely be a big deal. At that time, I will not be in charge of finishing it." .”

"Just make trouble." After Xuanhuang said a word, he disappeared from the Phoenix family immediately.

Xuanhuang left so quickly that King Feng had no time to say a word. Looking at the back of Xuanhuang leaving, King Feng couldn't help but sighed.

In fact, the birth of Xuanhuang is not only an ominous omen, but on the contrary, it is a gift from the heavens to the Phoenix family.

Zixuanfeng is the most gifted in cultivation among the Phoenix Clan, and also the most suitable king to lead the Phoenix Clan to the future.

However, it was those damned rumors that caused so many things to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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