Chapter 708
The head guard was also surprised to see this.

Who ever thought that there is a secret passage in the book hall?

Fortunately, Tianhou is a divine body after all, even if she rolled down like this, she didn't cause much damage, and the wounds on her body were healed with a healing technique.

"Your Majesty, look..." The maid who came down with the Queen of Heaven couldn't help being stunned for a moment when she saw the scene in front of her.

The scene in front of me is like a paradise. Although the Tiangong is also exquisite, it always permeates with a sense of solemnity. However, the scenery in front of me does not have the slightest solemnity, only the beauty that makes people feel very comfortable and enjoyable.

For a moment, the maid wanted to stay here forever and never leave.

How can such a fairyland be compared to the solemn Tiangong?
Tianhou was also stunned when she saw the scenery in front of her.

"Your Majesty..." the chief guard called out suddenly, and then motioned for Tianhou to look at the palace not far away.

At first, Tianhou didn't understand what was so special about the palace in front of her, but when she listened carefully, she could hear the sound of men and women making love.

"It's really wild|sexual|excessive." Tian Hou said with a cold snort.

However, after saying this sentence, Tian Hou suddenly fell silent.

This place is under the Book Hall, and the entrance is in the Book Hall. Then, the only person who can enter this dungeon is the Heavenly Emperor.

In other words, the person in the palace in front of him who is enjoying the joy of fish and water is most likely...


Thinking of this possibility, Tian Hou's body couldn't help trembling.

"Your Majesty." The maid hurriedly supported the Queen of Heaven.

But Tianhou pushed the palace lady away, strode towards the palace in front of her, and when she came to the gate of the palace, the voice inside became more and more clear.

The familiar voice made Tian Hou's face turn pale in an instant.

The five fingers in the sleeves were clenched into fists, Tian Hou took a deep breath, then raised her hand, pushed hard, opened the door in front of her, and walked to her bedroom, just in time to see those writhing bodies.

Tianhou suddenly felt that she was going to be exploded with anger, her blood was boiling.

"Emperor of Heaven!" Tianhou shouted loudly, suppressing her anger.

Hearing the Queen of Heaven's voice, the Emperor of Heaven trembled immediately, and pushed the woman who was pressing on him away. He got up and saw the Queen of Heaven in a solemn dress, and couldn't help being startled. Seeing his current appearance again, the Emperor of Heaven immediately became angry with embarrassment: "Queen of Heaven! Who allowed you to come here?"

Hearing the Emperor's question, the Empress laughed angrily: "Your Majesty, do you still remember what day it is today?!"

"Today?" The Emperor of Heaven repeated in a murmur, and then looked at the queen dressed up, and then realized that today is a good day for the prince's wedding.

The sense of guilt immediately dissipated the anger in the Emperor's heart: "Okay, okay, I understand, you go and deal with it first, and I will come right away."

Seeing the current appearance of the Emperor of Heaven, the Queen of Heaven is very angry, but she also knows that now is not the time to care about it. Today is a good day for Haoer and Wener, and these bad things cannot be affected. .

"The concubine will leave." Tianhou took a few deep breaths, calmed down her emotions, said something casually, turned around and left.

After Tianhou left, the Heavenly Emperor realized, no, how did Tianhou find this place?

However, the Heavenly Emperor couldn't help thinking about it now, so he quickly put on his clothes, and immediately left the dungeon and returned to the book hall.

(End of this chapter)

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