Chapter 726 Feathering 6
But now, she couldn't help calling the person in front of her "Hao".

"You're finally back." Yuxi couldn't help but her eyes turned red, "Do you know how many years I've been waiting for you? Why did you come back?"

"You fool, you used your power to help me re-condense my primordial spirit, allowing me to be reborn in this world, but do you know that the cultivation you used to condense my primordial spirit is actually for me? Seal." Di Hao said with a smile.

When Yu Xi heard this, a look of astonishment flashed across his face, "I... I don't know."

"We have long since ceased to belong to this world, and now it's time to leave together." Di Hao smiled and said to Yu Xi.

"You..." Yu Xi looked at Di Hao with some puzzlement on his face.

The creation god Di Hao really should have emerged long ago, but this body now belongs to the crown prince Di Hao. As far as this body is concerned, there are at least hundreds of thousands of years left.

At this time, it is really not the time for Dihao to become an eternity.

"No one can break the rules of the gods. You use your cultivation to keep my soul, but you also seal me up. When I break through your seal, my soul will be gone." It is used to condense." Di Hao said with a smile, he didn't seem to think that becoming a feather is a big deal.

It can even be said that becoming a fairy with Yuxi made him feel happy.

"Then we will leave together." Yu Xi raised his hand to hold Di Hao's big hand, but Yu Xi's hand had just touched Di Hao's hand before it disappeared.

Soon, Yu Xi only had a transparent head left.

Opened his mouth, wanting to say: "I'll wait for you..."

However, in the end, all voices have been lost.

Looking at Yu Xi who disappeared in his arms, Di Hao didn't feel any sadness in his heart, but a sense of relief.

How wonderful to be born into this world together and leave this world together.

Does this correspond to the saying of the human world:

Born on the same day in the same year, died on the same day in the same year.

The two of them, I don't know if this sentence can be counted?
The vibration of the Six Realms became more and more severe, and the duration of the vibration did not stop because of the end of Ye's eclosion, nor did it stop because of the end of the eclosion of the Lord Yuxi.

The God of Light can already guess it. According to the strange aura emanating from Di Hao just now, it is presumed that Di Hao, the Creator God, has returned to his throne, and then, together with the lord Yu Xi, he emerged into chaos and returned to Chaos.

The disappearance of the enchantment allowed the Demon Emperor to clearly see what was going on inside the enchantment.

He couldn't help sighing and said: "It seems that in this world, I am the only old thing left."

It looked like a bewitching man in his early twenties, if someone else said something like this, he would definitely find it very strange.

How can someone with such a face call himself an old man?

However, the God of Light, who understands all this, understands the demon emperor's emotion very well.

Indeed, with the departure of the Lord and the Creator God, as well as the departure of the Ye Huang, in this world, only the Yao Huang Hua Xu is left in that generation.

As for the Pluto of the Underworld and the Immortal Lord of the Immortal Realm, they were not the first masters of the two worlds. Before they succeeded to the throne, they had had several masters, and they were indeed not of the same generation as the Demon Emperor.

"The Demon Emperor is also planning to become a fairy?" the God of Light asked with a frown.

(End of this chapter)

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