The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 729 At that time... 1

Chapter 729 At that time... 1
"What do you mean you are always so smart?" Yu Xi said without the shyness when she was exposed, with helplessness, but also with sweetness.

"Hao, did you hear Ye's words?" Yu Xi suddenly asked Di Hao.

"What are you talking about?" He came in a hurry, and he just arrived in such a situation, even if someone was making noise in his ear, it was impossible for him to listen to the words.

"Ye said, if I just become immortal and leave this world, then he has only two choices, one is to emerge with me and leave this world together, the other is to completely destroy this world, and then, take Let's look at this world and leave this time and space together." Thinking of Ye's words, Yu Xi couldn't help feeling both heartwarming and gratifying.

This is Ye, no matter how cold-blooded and ruthless he is to others, she will always live in his heart.

It's a pity that no matter how many years have passed, she can't give Ye the affection she expected.

A heart is never big, a person can just fill it up.

"Are you saying this to make me jealous?" Di Hao asked with a smile.

If these words were put in a normal time, he would really be jealous.

After all, who would want the woman he loves deeply to be missed by another affectionate man.

Yuxi smiled and shook his head: "That's not it, I just want to tell you that at the beginning, after you became an eternity, I had exactly the same thoughts as Ye, but it's a pity, my heart can't reach Ye after all, and there is no Ye." Crazy, unable to be desperate..."

"You are different from him. He doesn't have any concerns, so he can follow you without hesitation. However, this world is like your child. You seem to be ruthless to this world, but in fact, your feelings have already far exceeded Your imagination." Di Hao said slowly.

"Is that so?" Yu Xi asked Di Hao weakly.

"Yes, because, this world is not only your child, but also my child. You can't make him so pitiful that he lost his parents at the same time." Di Hao said with a smile.

"What you say always makes sense." Yu Xi said helplessly.

Looking at Yuxi who was gradually becoming transparent, Yuxi from Emperor Hao asked: "Xi'er, you said that after people die, they have reincarnation, so when we die, will we also have our own reincarnation?"

"I don't know, but if there is a next life, I will hold you tightly, and you will never even think about looking at the woman next to you." Yu Xi said domineeringly.

"Okay, everything is up to you. Whatever you say is what you say." Di Hao said following Yu Xi's words.

"I'll wait for you..." In the end, I couldn't say anything anymore. After thousands of words, I only condensed into these three words.

Yu Xi actually wanted to tell Di Hao that when no one came, she was also thinking about the tens of thousands of years without Di Hao.

At that time, thinking about it, it was almost the same as now.

The earth trembles, the sea churns, the birds live long, and the beasts howl...

"God of Creation..."

Everything in the world, as long as there is spirituality, knelt down one after another, mourning their common father and the creator god who created them in the most pious way of their own race.

When the demon emperor Huaxu was able to enter the small world belonging to the Chuangshi God and the Lord, the Chuangshi God had completely disappeared from this world.

(End of this chapter)

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