The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 732 At that time... 4

Chapter 732 At that time... 4
"Don't worry, I will have my own countermeasures at that time." Yu Xi said lightly.

"Okay, you can rest assured to go to retreat, I will help you take care of the affairs of the six realms." Hua Xu said seriously.

Listening to "you" in Hua Xu's words, the tip of Yu Xi's nose turned red involuntarily, suppressing the grief in his heart, and said: "Okay, thank you."

"Take good care of your body as soon as possible and come back as soon as possible. This is the best thank you, Di Hao, and I don't want to see you like this." It's the most clichéd comfort, but, apart from this, Hua Xu didn't know that he should do it again. Say something to Yuxi.

At that time, the six worlds, including the human world, got along very harmoniously, and there were not many restrictions on free exchanges between the six worlds.

It is also for this reason that the emergence of the Creator God has caused the world to fall into silence.

During these tens of thousands of years, no matter which world it is in, even the human world, which is most prone to wars, has never had a single war.

These 10 years are also the most peaceful and stable 10 years in the Six Realms. All living beings seem to be paying homage to the emergence of the Creator God in their most pious way.

The peace and tranquility in the world is simply unbelievable, but this unimaginable peace and tranquility really happened.

Yuxi did not follow the previous agreement and left the customs after 1 years.

After a blink of 10 years, the Lord Yuxi seemed to have lost all news.

Everyone is worried and praying that the Lord can protect them as always.

In the devil's palace, when Hua Xu was repeating the boring work as usual, a huge shock came from the devil world.

Seeing this, Hua Xu couldn't help being startled. Could it be an earthquake somewhere?
Hua Xu didn't run out of the palace until he felt something was wrong with the breath in the air, and until the palace people came in to report that there was something wrong with the sky outside.

The purple qi came from the east, but it was not pure purple qi, there was some black aura in the purple qi.

Such a situation...

The next emperor of the demon world, no, it should be said that the first emperor of the demon world is about to appear.

"Your Majesty..." The palace man called Hua Xu cautiously, and at the same time, the palace man's face was full of worry.

In the past 10 years, although Hua Xu did not become the emperor in the Demon Realm, people in the Demon Realm have already acquiesced that Hua Xu is the emperor of the Demon Realm. What's more, the Demon Realm under Hua Xu's governance is not very good, but, At least the people can live and work in peace and contentment, and everyone's life is good. This is enough to prove that Hua Xu's governance is still good.

However, now that such a celestial phenomenon has appeared, what should the current Demon Emperor Hua Xu do?
However, contrary to the expectation of the palace people, when Hua Xu saw such a celestial phenomenon, he smiled happily, which was the joy from the bottom of his heart.

Hearing Hua Xu's hearty laughter, the palace servants couldn't help wondering: What's wrong, Your Majesty?Is it sad and stupid?
Hua Xu didn't pay attention to what the palace man was thinking in his heart. The palace man naturally didn't know. In the past 10 years, he was already tired of this kind of life. Now, the first emperor of the demon world is coming, so, He can no longer pay attention to these crap things in the devil world.

"Come on, prepare the banquet immediately. You must prepare well when there are distinguished guests coming later." Hua Xu happily instructed.

"Yes." The palace man looked at Hua Xu's happier expression, the more regretful he felt.

(End of this chapter)

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