Chapter 736 Shehua 4
Wait, wait, and so on, all kinds of different methods and means emerge one after another, causing the other realms to gradually intervene in the disputes in the human realm.

This is what Yuxi needs to solve.

Once, Yuxi wanted to change the human nature of the human world, but it is not that simple to reverse the human nature.

Human nature cannot be reversed, so it can only be forced to change by forcibly changing the external conditions.

The intercommunication between the six realms is gradually decreasing, and each race is not allowed to interfere with the laws of life of other races.

A series of measures were promulgated and implemented in an orderly manner.

In a blink of an eye, it will be another 10 years. In 10 years, Yuxi has traveled almost everywhere in the Six Realms, and has done many things. His mentality has also become a little different as he has seen more people and things.

That's what Hua Xu was like, and was "tricked" by Yu Xi to become the Demon Emperor for a full 20 years.

This year is an extremely critical year, and it is also the happiest year for Hua Xu.

Because, Ye, the child created by Yuxi, has finally grown up, at least qualified to be the successor of the Demon Realm.

This year, he will step down from the throne of the Demon Emperor, and he can finally let go of the affairs of the Demon World, and put this burden on Ye's shoulders.

A full 20 years have passed, and Hua Xu also understood the reason why Yuxi made such a decision in the first place.

Yuxi entrusted him with the burden of the demon world, not only because of their friendship, not only because of their trust in him, but also because it gave him a way to relieve the pain in his heart.

The Demon Realm was founded by Yu Xi, he must manage it well so as not to disappoint Yu Xi's expectations. Afterwards, he not only has to manage the Demon Realm, but also takes care of a child and trains him to become an adult and a talent. Ten thousand years can be regarded as the most fulfilling 10 years in his life.

20 years have passed, whenever I think of the Creator God Emperor Hao, I still feel regretful in my heart, but that pain has turned into nostalgia and the driving force for progress.

With so many things to worry about, these 20 years have not been so difficult.

However, the child raised by Hua Xu, who is almost never in tune, is naturally impossible to be in tune. It may also be because when Yuxi was creating this child, his cultivation level was too low. It's not quite right, and maybe the child has lacked something called maternal love since he was a child, which made the child seem a little crooked.

How to say.

Strength, ability, and wrist are all there. As an emperor, he should have almost all the things, but there is one thing missing, a benevolent heart.

The little majesty of the Demon Realm is not easy to mess with. This is a recognition given to everyone in the Demon Palace since Ye had his own consciousness.

In the Demon Realm, anyone who tried to provoke Ye, or mock Ye as a child without a father and mother, paid a heavy price.

This price does not need to be paid by Hua Xu. With Ye's cold blood and strength, those people have already made those people regret it.

As time goes by, who dares to provoke the middle of the night.

This also directly led to the fact that when Hua Xu announced that he would give Ye the seat of Zen, the important ministers of the Demon Realm did not dare to say a single bad word.

Since then, the iron-blooded era that belongs to the night has begun.

(End of this chapter)

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